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2019 ABQ Art Showcase Booth

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PAPNM is Participating in the ABQ Art Showcase!

Chair: select name to send message

Registration Schedule (details below):


You can still be put on the wait list in case someone drops out. We may also be able to add some smaller art-wall columns if we can get the lighting worked out (smaller panels at a lower price). Contact John Meister if you wish to be added or have any questions, at or at 505 235-3213. 

If you are a member who received a confirmation email about your space, please click on the button below:

(Registration is closed) 2019 ABQ Art Showcase Booth

One person to be responsible for each panel but it may be shared with another member. (PAPNM members only!)

Event Date:  August 15-19, 2019

Last Fall, PAPNM paid a deposit to reserve the “early bird” pricing for a group booth at the first Albuquerque Art Showcase

This new event is a joint effort between Artists, Art Organizations, the Gallery Community, and Visit Albuquerque. It will be held at the Albuquerque Convention Center and the Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico will be the recipient of the proceeds from the Gala Night at ABQ Art Showcase 2019. Visit Albuquerque is handling the show’s promotion and plans a heavy, nationwide campaign. 

Most of the other state-wide art organizations and Albuquerque area galleries are participating in this event and we thought that it would be a good opportunity for interested members of PAPNM to do so as well.

“The goal of this showcase is to put the spotlight on the fine artists of New Mexico and beyond.  By providing space to bring together artists and galleries and guilds to showcase the creative and diverse talent of our local artists, we strengthen the creative community of New Mexico…”

“Overlapping Santa Fe's Indian Market, we are excited to be part of the largest visual arts weekend in New Mexico…

Important Event Dates:

Wednesday, Aug. 14 Event Move-in and Set-up

Thursday, Aug. 15 GALA PREVIEW NIGHT  (Music and NM Cuisine, Tickets go on sale early in 2019)

Friday, Aug. 16 Doors open to the General Public, 10 AM-6 PM

Saturday, Aug. 17 Doors open to the General Public,10 AM-6 PM

Sunday, Aug. 18 Doors open to the General Public, 10 AM-6 PM  (2019 Local Treasures Ceremony, Sunday)

Monday, Aug. 19 Doors open to the General Public,10 AM-6 PM  (Local Business Brunch, Monday,10 AM-Noon)

Tuesday, Aug. 20 Event Move-out

Booth Details and How to Participate:

The PAPNM booth will be an opportunity for individual members to participate in a non-juried booth-type exhibition, it will also promote PAPNM activities and membership.

WE HAVE REQUESTED TWO 8'X16' BOOTHS DIRECTLY ACROSS THE AISLE FROM EACH OTHER. The booth walls consist of 8’x4’ vertical black-carpeted panel sections, lighting is provided by the event folks. PAPNM is renting space to our members in 8’x4’ panel increments at $100 per panel section, limit one per member(WE HAVE A 16 PANEL SPACE LIMIT). Panel sections can be “shared” if desired, but we will need one member to be the main contact for each panel (they will be responsible for payment and passing along information to anyone sharing their panel). PAPNM is not making any money at this price, we are simply sharing the booth cost with our participating members. ALL participating artists will be required to share sitting duties for the booth and must be active 2019 members of PAPNM. Each participant will also install and remove their own artwork on their panel.

100% of each sale will go back to the artist. Since not all artists will be available to take payment for their work, ALL sales will be paid to PAPNM and the PAPNM Treasurer will disperse funds back to the individual artists a week or so after the close of the exhibition.

John Meister will be the PAPNM coordinator for our 2019 booth. Please contact him as soon as possible, but no later than Saturday, Jan. 26th if you wish to participate or have any questions, at or at 505 235-3213. Your payment will be due to PAPNM by Jan. 31st, but you must contact John first to be added as a participant, he will give you further payment instructions.

WE CAN USE A LITTLE HELP. If you would like to help John as a Coordinating Volunteer for this event, please let him know.

For more information on the Albuquerque Art Showcase, check out:

Facebook-ABQ Art Showcase

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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