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Online Contest Prospectus

Jump to upload and caption instructions here


PAPNM Online Contests are online shows of original two-dimensional en plein air artwork by members of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM). The paintings reflect contest themes.  

See Online Contestsfor more information.  

The public and collectors are invited to view the paintings on the website's Online Contest Album pages.

The award winning paintings will be announced by email and highlighted on PAPNM's website and on social media. 

PAPNM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of artists dedicated to preserving and promoting painting "en plein air" - in the open air or outdoors.


  • This call is for all current PAPNM members working in two-dimensional mediums limited to: oil media (traditional and water-mixable), wet media (acrylic, watercolor, and gouache), and dry media (pastel and graphite).  
  • PAPNM members of the following levels are eligible to enter paintings into any contest album: artist members, signature members, master signature members.
  • PAPNM Membership for the current year must be active with dues paid in full before being able to enter a painting into the album. To join click Join Us and follow instructions.
  • All PAPNM members (including Patrons) may vote for their favorite contest painting.


  • PAPNM has the right to refuse or disqualify any work that fails to meet eligibility, entry and exhibition requirements 
  • Neither PAPNM nor its volunteers will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the image.  
  • PAPNM reserves the right to reproduce accepted artwork for publicity purposes.  
  • PAPNM reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for public viewing.  


  • Each artist may submit ONE image per contest.  (The upload form allows 5 images but please submit ONLY ONE).
  • The caption must contain the details outlined in the Caption section below.
  • It must be painted in the given contest time-frame.
  • There is no entry fee.
  • Work must be at least 80% completed "en plein air" (outside in 'fresh air') unless otherwise specified for a particular contest.
  • Your signature MUST not show.
  • Work must be of a scene executed in real life.
  • Work should capture the spirit of the contest theme.
  • Work must not violate copyright laws.  All work must be original concept and painted solely by the entering artist.
  • Work done under the guidance of an instructor are not eligible for entry.


  • New on 4/1/2022: your signature must not be part of the painting. Please remove it or cover it with a piece of opaque tape. The contest administrator will remove any images with visible signatures.

  • New on 11/29/2021: the image should be sized less than 5 megabytes. However, the administrator will resize all the images after the voting to the size of the enlarged images you can see in the album in any case. Note that the system resizes the enlarged image for display on our site to 600 pixels in width. 
  • The quality of the image is the responsibility of the artist; it should be cropped so that only the image is visible.
  • Enter your (one) painting into the contest's album by uploading the painting's jpeg/jpg image.
  • To upload the image, please follow the instructions here. Be sure that you are logged on the website in order to upload your image or to add/edit the caption. 
  • New 7/18/2023:  the artist is no longer required to insert own name in the caption after the voting; the website provider has fixed the issue hiding the submitter's name from the admin.


    1. Navigate to the contest album page
    2. Log on as a member if you haven't already done so.
    3. Select the Upload photos button. The button is only visible if you are logged on AND during the Upload period.
    4. A popup “Upload photos” will appear with five lines (use only ONE). 
    5. Select a Choose File option on one line; a display of your computer’s file structure will appear.
    6. Select the desired image on your computer (on the phone, you may need to navigate to the photo album to find the image) and then 
    7. Select the Open button .
    8. Select Upload at the bottom of the original Upload photos' popup window;  your image image will appear on the website at the end of the list of images on this album page.
    9. The appearance of the image on the Album page is acknowledgement that it is in the system. 
    10. After image appears follow the instructions to enter the caption to the right; the caption MUST be entered.

    Your image should appear after a few moments. If it does not, then quit the website and try again. If it still doesn't load, send an email/message to the contest coordinator putting PAPNM Online Contests in the subject line (coordinator available on the Online Contests page). 


    1. Select your image in the Album to enlarge/edit.
    2. Select the Add Caption - at the bottom of the image.
    3. In the caption box that appears under the enlarged image, type in:  the title , medium, size, painting location and sale price (if desired)Do not place your name in the caption.  
    4. Select Save. 

    The Magical Colors of the Fall
    oil, 8” x 10”, Santa Fe, $600 (or NFS).

    (new on 9/17/2021: use the same style as the example (Not all capital letters, please). Note: no quotes except as a replacement for inches).


    2. Select the image to enlarge 
    3. Select the Edit button at the bottom of the image.
    4. Enter the changes in the caption box.
    5. Select Save.

    Voting Process (step by step description)

    The process to vote may seem circular, involving a few steps:

    1. Review the paintings to find your favorite -  in the contest album.
      {Remember the painting number and title to identify it in step 3).
    2. Find and click on the Register button in the register/voting module provided in the voting link in the contest announcement email, the contest list on the Online Contests page or in the contest album (You will be required to log on).
    3. Vote: In a step or two, you will see a list of numbered paintings. Select your favorite identified in step 1.  This is your vote. 
    4. Confirm: next select the Confirm button in the "Review and Confirm: window. You will receive an email acknowledging your vote. 

    If the entry is unacceptable the Contest Coordinator reserves the right to remove the entry's image.

    Select for general contest details: Online Contests

    Print this prospectus from your browser (usually upper left).  

    Or to print, select PAPNM-Online-Contest-Prospectus.pdf (might not have all new requirements listed here)

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM

    Mail Payments to: 

    PAPNM Treasurer
    PO Box 4612
    Santa Fe, NM 87502

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
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