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General Website and Image Sizing Help


mobile_use (In particular, note the tip to view the site on the phone in horizontal mode; the menu in vertical mode is perhaps too long). Another point: the PAPNM site is a mobile-friendly site due to its "responsive website" theme.

The following topics are all available in this new member article (useful for all members). At the top of the article you may click on the "Show Me" section for a step-by-step 11 minute YouTube video (you may skip ahead with the right arrow at bottom of video) .

You may scroll down to the article's following topics or select the individual item here for specific help:


  1. Log in (login icon to the upper right)
  2. Select your personal profile (click on login icon upper right)
  3. Select the Renew button and follow instructions.

  • Select the Edit Profile Button:

Scroll down to your personal photo and Select Change

You will be instructed to select your desired image from your computer.
Scroll back up to the top and select Save. Your new photo will be stored in your account.

  • Site Map Use this link to visualize the new hierarchy of site pages or download it to print from your browser.

Image Sizing Help:

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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