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Online Contests

Upcoming Contests

Select the calendar event -when available-for specific contest description. Log on to vote with the Register button when voting enabled. 


Your painting will remain part of the contest album until album is archived.

Award/Prizes: Monetary award for the Favorite (at least)

Home Page Awards Slideshow for the Favorites displayed for a year. Additional summary award pages have been created also and will include these favorites as well.

Email Blast and Contest Album Announcements: Favorites

Contest Chair

Select name to send message. Include PAPNM Contests in the subject line

About Online Contests

PAPNM (artist, signature and master signature) members are invited to participate in any of several Online Contests. 

 If you wish to enter the contest and are not a member visit: 

Join Us

Out-of-State members are strongly encouraged to submit paintings to the contests.

General Requirements and Upload Instructions

Please read the prospectus carefully before submitting.

The 'anonymous' issue has been fixed by the website provider. The artist will not have to enter his/her name after voting has completed, beginning with the 2023 Summer Contest.

Online Contest Prospectus

Summary - General Requirements:

  • painted "en plein air" outside
  • not painted in the studio from a study.
  • painted during the specified contest period - generally the current season and year
  • not under the guidance of an instructor. 

Paint and then Upload ONE image: select the upcoming contest to the left and you will be directed to the album for uploading.

Vote: All PAPNM members -including Patrons-  will then vote for their favorite contest painting. See the following voting process section.  The vote button will appear in the album during the voting period if logged on. Votes are tallied by the system. 

Members will receive emails announcing the start and the end of the voting period - as well as start and end of painting periods.

    Voting Process (new description)

    The process to vote is circular, involving a few steps:

    1. Painting Selection. View the paintings in the contest album. Remember the painting number and title to identify it on the list provided in the next steps.

    2. "Register": find the Register button in the register/voting module provided either in any email voting announcement or by clicking on the vote link found on the album page of paintings. You must be logged on to see the Register button.

    3. Vote for your favorite: After selecting the Register button, you will see a list of numbered paintings. Select the numbered title you identified in the first step.

    4. Confirmation: You will receive an email acknowledging your vote. It is stored on the site  - to be tabulated with the other votes.

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM

    Mail Payments to: 

    PAPNM Treasurer
    PO Box 4612
    Santa Fe, NM 87502

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
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