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17th National Juried Members Exhibition


Exhibition:   July 12 - August 8, 2025

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony: July 12, 2025   6-8 pm

Legends of the West Gallery
102 East Water St, Suite 13 Santa Fe, New Mexico


The Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) 15th National Juried Members Exhibition is a juried show and sale of original two-dimensional en plein air artworks by PAPNM members, presented by the PAPNM and the Legends of the West Gallery. The public and collectors are invited to view and purchase the artwork throughout the exhibition at the Gallery and on line. The art may be viewed also on this site when available.  

PAPNM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of artists dedicated to preserving and promoting painting "en plein air" - in the open air or outdoors.


At least 10 awards totaling $15,000 in cash and merchandise will be bestowed by ourJudge of Awards.


Detailed Show Schedule 

  • Feb 1 -  Submissions open at CaFE
  • March 27 -  CaFE Entry Submissions Deadline for Show
  • Week of April 23 -  Artist Notification of Jury selection
  • May 9 - Coop Ad Deadline
  • July 8 -  Deadline for Shipped Work to Arrive at the Gallery
  • July 8 & 9 11-2 pm - Hand Delivery of accepted works at Gallery.
  • July 8 or 9 - 9-11 am National Show Paint Out
  • July 11-12 Workshop
  • July 12 - Demos - 9-11 am, 2-4 pm
  • July 12 - Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony 6-8 pm
  • August 8  - Show Closes


    This call is for all current PAPNM members working in two-dimensional mediums.  Digital works will not be accepted.
    PAPNM Master Signature Members will receive a separate email invitation

    PAPNM Membership must be current for this year with dues paid in full before submitting to the call for entry for the exhibition.  To join, click Join Us

    How to Apply

    1. All applicants must register online CaFÉ™, If this link does not work, use
    2. FEE: $42 for the first image with each additional image $10, up to 4 images. Two artwork may be selected for exhibition from each artist by jurors.
    3. Prospectus: FINAL_Prospectus_2025 17th National Juried Members Exhibition 1.27.25.pdf

    Judge of Awards - 

    Qiang Huang

    Qiang Huang is an oil painter and art educator living in Austin TX. Qiang is a Signature member of OPA. His paintings have been juried in many OPA Exhibitions. He has been featured in many art magazines. Qiang has participated many plein air painting competitions and won many awards. He has been teaching workshops internationally. Qiang is also a Ph.D in physics, and developed computer tools for artists.

    Read The Wrong Color Wheel.pdf

    Workshop - July 11,12 by Qiang Huang. TBA




    Working in oil and pastel, Barbara strives to capture light-filled landscapes in a painterly style. Although most of her finished work is completed in the studio, a regular practice of plein air painting enhances her ability to create a genuine impression of light in her landscape paintings.

    She holds signature memberships in Oil Painters of America (OPA) and American Impressionist Society (AIS), and has earned the distinctions of Master Pastelist in the Pastel Society of America (PSA) and Eminent Pastelist in the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). In addition to a long list of awards received throughout the past 20+ years (see her website for list), she has also been featured in numerous art publications including Plein Air Magazine, Fine Art Connoisseur, Artists Magazine, Pastel Journal, and Southwest Art, and has served as a contributing writer for some of these publications.

    Born and raised in New Jersey, Barbara also lived in Atlanta, Georgia for many years until she yearned for snow and mountains for her landscape subject matter, which prompted her family’s move to Bend, Oregon in 2015.

    Barbara is also a popular workshop instructor throughout the US, teaching workshops coast to coast each year. 

    As an artist, plein air painting allows my art to showcase two of my greatest passions: my enthusiasm for being outdoors and the beauty of watercolor. Plein air painting helps me focus intensely on my work while promoting a sense of mystery and spontaneity.

    My art journey began unconventionally. I graduated with a bachelors in Economics and a passion for black and white street photography culminating in a solo exhibition at Reno Art Museum called “Suburban Views”. My most pivotal moment as an artist came during a postgraduate summer watercolor class. The class was plein air painting in the Sierras during July when it began snowing on us; I was thrilled and hooked.

    Currently I am living in a coastal town north of San Diego, with my focus on the tradition of plein air painting, an appreciation of life, nature and transforming that excitement onto paper.

    I don’t find the landscape, it finds me. If I go out with a preconceived idea of what I want to paint, I can drive around for hours and never find it. But if I go out with a clear head, full of creative energy and no preconceptions, usually a scene will present itself within a few minutes. Then I am free to open myself to whatever is in front of me and tackle the painting with vigor and passion. This is when I do my best work, the work that excites me and typically transforms itself into a larger studio version where I share what I found, put down in paint and throw a frame around it to share with the world. If I am not painting, I am thinking about painting. If I am painting, I’m thinking about nothing else.

    National Show Team

    Select team member's name to send a message. Visit the Directories' page to see all board members or additional important contacts. 

    Event Chair

    PAPNM Vice-president 

    Events Director

    CaFE Administrator


    Sponsor Director

    Communications Director

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM

    Mail Payments to: 

    PAPNM Treasurer
    PO Box 4612
    Santa Fe, NM 87502

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