It is my/our pleasure to support the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico 2024 events as a
❏ Benefactor ❏ Partner ❏ Enthusiast ❏ Friend ❏ Contributor
You may designate your event(s) here:
❏Paint New Mexico! 2024 Plein Air Show ❏ Los Alamos Paint Out and Show
❏PAPNM Master & Signature Invitational ❏ 16th Juried National Juried Members Exhibition
❏Holiday Show
If you prefer we select for you based on our needs, please leave this section blank. Thanks!
Address ____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _______________________________________________________
Enclosed please find:
❏ Check made payable to PAPNM in the amount of $ ___________________
❏ Gift Certificate for ____________________________________________ valued at $ ____________________
❏ Product ______________________________________________________ valued at $ ____________________
I also offer a discount to PAPNM members when ordering my products of _____%.
❏ Code for online orders ___________ OR,
❏ members must call and mention they are a member of PAPNM__________.
PAPNM will include this information in the link to my website on the PAPNM website that is available ONLY to current members of PAPNM.
If your donation is a check, please mail to: If your donation is a gift certificate or product please mail to:
PAPNM Treasurer DJ Fowler
PO Box 1948 2320 Lema Rd SE
Santa Fe NM 87504 Rio Rancho, NM 87124
(Check, Gift Certificate and/or Product)
OR ONLINE or Donations
Email: for any questions or concerns
PAPNM is registered with the State of New Mexico as a 501 c (6) organization. Companies, organizations, etc. who support our group may claim any donation (monetary or merchandise) as a trade or business expenses for Federal tax purposes. Please seek financial advice.