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 2019 Annual Members Meeting and Election of 2020 Officers

MEETING DATE: Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10 am- 3 pm

LOCATION: Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza hotel, 100 Sandoval St, Santa Fe, NM, US, 87501 

PAPNM’s Bylaws require us to hold an annual meeting each year to present our Annual Financial Report and any other business deemed appropriate. It has also been traditionally the time that we elect our new Board members for the upcoming year. Because of the election, it is important for us to have a quorum of our membership to be able to hold the meeting. For this reason, we try to make it a fun and enjoyable social time for us to gather and get to know one another (door prizes included)!

Current Slate of 2019 PAPNM Board Nominees

Election of Officers:

Below is our current Slate of Nominees for the 2020 Board. 

Nominees for the 2020 Board:

*President (Nominee​) – Natasha Isenhour

​*Vice President (Nominee)​ – Phyllis Gunderson

*Treasurer (Nominee)​ – Donna Barnhill

*Secretary (Nominee)​ – ​Rosalie Winn

​Historian (Nominee)​ – ​Anita Louise West

Membership and Education director(Nominee)​ – Barbara Coleman

Events director (Nominee)​ – ​NOMINEE NEEDED FOR THIS POSITION. ​

Communications director (Nominee)​ – Ceci McNicoll

Past President – Dick Wimberly​ (This is a Board position, but not an elected position.)

(*Indicates an officer position.)

This list will be updated as we are able. WE NEED YOUR HELP!​ ​If you would like to volunteer or think that you have a good member to nominate (please check with them first) Web Master, Awards & Contributions, Advertising & Marketing, Paintouts Coordinator, and Paintouts Activities. Contact Dick Wimberly  ( for more information. There are other volunteer positions for 2020 as well! A sign-up will be available at the meeting. 

Proxy Voting Form

If you cannot attend in person, please submit a Proxy Voting Form via mail or email to be received by Nov. 28th.  The proxy forms can be downloaded by clicking below.

2019 Board Member Election Proxy Vote Form.pdf (PDF VERSION)


2019 Board Member Election Proxy Vote Form.docx (DOC VERSION)


9:00 AM - bring in swap or sell items

10:00 AM - Art Swap

11:15 AM – Buffet Lunch

12:15 or 12:30 PM - Annual Meeting and Election of Officers (Business will be as short as possible)

1:30 PM – Panel Discussion: “ What is the Best Plein Air Easel for You?”........followed by Q&A.  

Panelists:  Natasha Isenhour ​( Pastels and her Travel Experiences.), ​Barbara Coleman ​(Her Favorite Easels), ​Jo Anna Arnett​ (Travel Easels and Tips for Longer Painting Trips)

3:00 PM - End

We will begin the day with an “Art Swap”. This is an opportunity for members to bring un-used, gently used, or over-ordered art supplies, etc. for sale or swap to other members. Members are welcome to bring stuff for the swap (everything should be priced, and each member is responsible for her/his own transactions). We will provide several tables around the perimeter of the room and there are always a few real “finds”. Bring a check-book or cash!


The Hilton Historic Plaza Hotel Restaurant will provide our buffet lunch.  The buffet includes:

Mixed Garden Greens accompanied by Ranch, Italian, or Vinaigrette.

Choice of two Entrees: Salmon with creamy dill sauce or Young Chicken Breast stuffed with Jalapeno Cornbread

Entrees come with : Mixed Wild Rice with Cranberries and Pine Nuts, Oven Bread with Butter Dessert: Layered Chocolate Cake or a gluten free dessert.​Vegetarian and Gluten Free plate options are available . Entrees MUST be ordered ahead of time by clicking on the REGISTRATION Button in the left column when you register below by choosing one of the following options:

1.  No Lunch $0

2.  Salmon $45

3.  Salmon - Gluten Free $45

4.  Chicken $45

5.  Chicken Gluten Free $45

6.  Vegetarian $45

Absolutely no outside food or drink is allowed.

(Anyone may attend the meeting at the last minute, but you will not be fed. We are limited to 120 attendees.)

 We sincerely hope that you will reserve the date and plan to attend this important (and fun) meeting and social event for PAPNM. Encourage your member friends to come as well!

Registration for the Meeting and Lunch

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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