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2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout & Show

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PAPNM and the Jemez Paintout & Show are in the news! Watch our President, Dick Wimberly, as he extolls the virtues of “plein air” painting in an interview on krqe.

Judge of Awards and workshop Instructor

April 23-25

Workshop Info

Paintout Days - April 26 - May 1
See Paintout Locations

Opening Reception and Awards - May 4, 1-4 pm
Exhibition - May 4-23

at the

Jemez Fine Art Gallery

17346 Highway 4
Jemez Springs NM  87025


Send an email to a co-chair with any questions, selecting the underlined name to bring up a send message form.

Mark your calendar for the 2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout & Show. Paintings will be exhibited May 4-  May 23, 2019 at the Jemez Fine Art Gallery in Jemez Springs.  Up to 60 PAPNM artists will have six days from April 26 to May 1 to paint at beautiful and varied locations — some never or rarely opened to the general public before — within an approximate radius of 30 miles of Jemez Springs. Participants will select their single best work for exhibition.

Paint intriguing land forms of Ojito Wilderness, where dinosaurs once roamed, and the wide open grassland vistas of Valles Caldera. The old buildings in San Ysidro and sheer canyon sandstone cliffs cut through by tree-lined streams are favorite subjects to paint. Or try your hand at painting spring scenes in the high country at Fenton Lake or the rugged beauty of Bandelier National Monument.

Don't pass up this opportunity to paint one of PAPNM's most popular paintout regions — with special privileges to paint in areas you have not been to before.


Sponsors               photos

eVite: click to print 


Paintout Period: April 26 - May 1, 2019 

Designated Paintout Area: Within an approx. 35-mile radius of Jemez Springs, New Mexico in permitted areas. See map.

Opening Reception:1-4 pm, May 4 

Exhibition:  May 4 - May 23, Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM 87024   

Awards:To be decided by judge. Cash awards will be $300 for First Place, $200 for 2nd place, $100 for 3rdplace. Additional awards will include merchandise, cash awards, and gift certificates from PAPNM sponsors.

General Requirements: Open to the first 60 PAPNM members who register and pay entry fee. Each artist will be allowed to enter one painting into the show (maximum size 14 x 18). All painting surfaces must be stamped on the back during the event to be eligible for entry in the show. Check-in, packet/name tag issuance and stamping will be at times and locations to be announced. All work must be at least 80% completed en plein air, within the allotted paintout period and within the specified paintout locations. All work exhibited must be for sale. If an artist’s painting sells and the buyer takes it, that artist may replace the sold painting with another stamped painting done during the paintout. Paintings are not stored on the gallery premises. Artists receive 75% of the sale price less 6% if it is purchased by credit card. Artists are responsible for paying the gross receipt tax due from any sale and could consider factoring the tax into their sale price.  

Framing Requirements:All work must be sturdily framed and ready to hang, with d-rings and wire. No metal frames or saw tooth hangers will be accepted. Artist name, title, price to appear on supplied label and affixed to the back of painting.  

Entry Fee:$39 (non-refundable) Entry fee includes gallery space and a participant lunch on Saturday, April 2. Go to the event registration page on the PAPNM website for payment. 

Agreement of Entry and Liability: All reasonable care will be taken with paintings. However, neither Jemez Fine Art Gallery nor PAPNM, their agents, employees, volunteers or anyone working on the exhibition will be held responsible for any loss or damage to artwork left in the gallery. Insurance is the responsibility of the artist. PAPNM is not liable for personal injuries or theft sustained at paintout locations of this event. PAPNM reserves the right to reproduce accepted artwork for publicity purposes.  PAPNM reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for public viewing. All payments are final and non-refundable. Purchaser of artwork from the gallery shall arrange for all aspects of shipping if needed. Your entry and payment constitute acceptance of all conditions and terms of this prospectus.

Delivery: One framed painting may be hand-delivered 11a.m. - 4 p.m. on April 28, 29, or May 1 to: Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM 87024  

Those wanting to enter the Clovis Community College Exhibition may leave a second framed painting at the above times. Separate paperwork is required to be filled out for the CCC Exhibit, plus a $5 fee.  

Retrieval:All unsold paintings to be picked up 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Thursday May 23. All unclaimed paintings will become the property of PAPNM and will be disposed of as the board sees fit. 

Lodging: Lodging, if needed, is the responsibility of the participant.


2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show Schedule V2.pdf:


April 25: Social and early bird stamping canvas/panels 5-7pm
April 26 - May 1: Paintout Days
April 26, 28-30, May 1 Stamping at  JFA Gallery 11-4:00 (except Tuesday)
April 27,  Saturday, 12-1:00 pm: Free Luncheon for Paintout registrants. 
 Rare Opportunity: Jemez history presentation by Chris Toya, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for Pueblo of Jemez .  

April 28, 29 and May 1: Deliver 1 framed painting at JFA Gallery, 11-4:00

May 4: Opening Reception and Awards at JFA Gallery, 1-4:00
May 4-23: Gallery Show - Jemez Fine Art Gallery
May 23: Pick up unsold paintings 11-4:00

Paint Out Locations April 26 – May 1, 2019

2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show Locations.pdf

Get packets and panels stamped at Jemez Fine Art Gallery, Jemez Springs, 11-4 except Tuesday. CAUTION: observe all posted speed limits and watch for animals and pedestrians on roadways.NO PHOTOS, SKETCHING, OR PAINTING ON JEMEZ RESERVATION! Hwy 4, mile marker 2-8, and up to mile marker 3 on Hwy 290.

> location with special permission and/or not open to public for painting[RR] outdoor, RR indoor rest room
mm highway mile marker
F food available, eatery
CS convenience store
G gas station
V painting vistas
M painting mesas
C painting canyons
R  painting rocks
S  painting stream

    Suggested daily locations for group painting:

    Friday, April 26: Jemez Historic Site, Jemez Springs, 18mm Hwy 4. RR, M
    Hours 8:30am - 5pm. Trail through ruins, museum, parking at site and additional parking across street. $5 entrance fee waived with event name tag. Clean up at 4:30.

    Saturday, April 27:
    Jemez Pueblo at 7413 Hwy 4. 
    CS, G, F, RR, V, M, C, R, field house
    >Walatowa Visitor Center and Museum
    >Red Rocks trail
    >Free Luncheon at the Visitor Center for registered PAPNM participants at Noon (new) with “Jemez History” presentation by Chris Toya, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for Pueblo of Jemez!

    Sunday, April 28: Fenton Lake. Hwy 126, 8 mi. to Lake. [RR], V, M, forest, wetland, fishing lake and campground.  $5 entrance fee, but there are many places to paint without paying fee.

    Monday, April 29: Perea Nature Trail- 22 mm, west side of Hwy 550. V, M, S, wetland trail from parking lot

    Tuesday, April 30: Battleship Rock, 23 mm Hwy 4. [RR], R, S Entrance fee $5/car to park at picnic area, or free roadside parking lot.

    Wednesday, May 1: Spanish Queen Picnic Site, 14mm Hwy 4. [RR], M, C, S 12 sites with table and grill, most with shade canopy. 5 mi south of Jemez Springs.

    Locations with special permission for registrants to paint April 26-May 1:

    >Aspen Ridge Alpacas, 790 Aspen Dr. Alpaca farm in high aspen country
    >CWW Feed Store- Junction of Hwy 550 and Hwy 4. [RR], F, livestock, corrals, tack
    >Ponderosa Winery- 3.1 mi Hwy 290. V, M, RR, vineyard, truck, house
    >Jemez Fine Art Gallery- 17.3 mi Hwy 4. M, C, RR

    Other recommended locations to paint:

    • San Ysidro Church- 1mm Hwy 4. V, M, historic church
    • Hiking Trails BLM Area- 25mm, north side of Hwy 550. V, M, C, White Mesa
    • Santo Toribio Church- 4.5 mi Hwy 290. V, M, C, historic church
    • Hwy 485 (narrow paved road) 5 mi to Gilman tunnels. C, V, M, S, pastures
    • Junction of Hwy 4 & 485. V, M, S, narrow bridge, confluence of 2 streams, cottonwoodsOur Lady of the Assumption Church- 17.4 mi Hwy 4. V, M, C
    • Jemez Springs Park- 17.6 mi Hwy 4. [RR], F, M, C, S, hot spring, Historic Bath HouseSodaDam-19mmHwy4. M,C,R,S
    • La Cueva- Junction of Highways 4 and 126. [RR], CS, F, V, S
    • La Cueva Picnic Ground- 26mm Hwy 4. [RR], C, R, S Rio San Antonio
    • Highway 126- V, C, R, S, meadows, aspens, mountain road
    • Valles Caldera, Hwy 4, 22 mi north of Jemez Springs. [RR], V, Gate open 9-5 to visitor center. Coyote Call and Valles Grande trails, and several pull-outs for parking.

    There are many rest stops along Hwy 4. V, M, C, R, S
    Rest stops with restrooms are at Hwy 4 mi 10 and 13.9.
    Convenience stores with customer’s restrooms are in San Ysidro, at 7mm Hwy 4, and La Cueva. North on Hwy 4, paint areas such as Jemez Canyon Overlook, East Fork, Jemez Falls, etc. Cabezon Road and Ojito Wilderness Area recommended for high clearance or 4WD vehicles. There is no cell phone service in most areas, however, Jemez Springs has a cell tower.
    There are 2 gas stations from Bernalillo to Los Alamos: San Ysidro and Walatowa C. Store. Groceries (limited selections) in San Ysidro, Walatowa Convenience Store, and La Cueva.

    Dining, Sleeping and Socializing

    Dining: 2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show Places to Eat.pdf

    Sleeping: 2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show Lodging V2.pdf with added airstream lodging.

    Socializing: 2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show Social.pdf

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM 

    Mail Payments to: 

    PAPNM Treasurer
    PO Box 4612
    Santa Fe, NM 87502

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