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2020 Taos Art Museum at Fechin

Invitational Exhibition

227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte

Exhibition: Feb 4 - Mar 15
Open Daily: Tuesday - Sunday, 11 AM to 4 PM.
Reception: Feb 8, Saturday, 2-4 pm 

Invitational exhibition to honor our Signature and Master Signature members of Plein Air Painters of New Mexico! We are teaming up with the Taos Art Museum at Fechin House to host this show in the Fechin Studio

We are sure that most of you are already familiar with the home and studio of Nicolai Fechin. If you are not, this beautiful property in Taos, NM is now home to the Taos Art Museum and its incredible permanent collection of the Taos Society of Artists, their contemporaries, and of course the work of Nicolai Fechin.

PAPNM’s mission of painting en plein air attracted the attention of this Museum during the 2018 Plein Air Convention and Expo in Santa Fe. They have graciously invited us back for a second show of Master and Signature members work.

PAPNM Master Signature Members:

Bill Gallen, Walt Gonske, Albert Handell, Doug Higgins, Jane Hunt

Peggy Immel, Lee McVey, Paul Murray, Richard Prather, Clive Tyler

PAPNM Signature Members:

Tom Blazier, Jeannie Breeding, Lyle Brown, Jane Chapin, Michelle Chrisman, Barbara Churchley,

Tobi Clement, Barbara Coleman, Charles Edmondson, Kathleen Elsey,Kim Faucher, Damien Gonzales,

Lois Griffel, Natasha Isenhour, Susu Knight, Jakki Kouffman, Margi Lucena, Mike Mahon, Susan McCullough,

Maryann McGraw, Suzanne Morris, Dorothy Schildknecht, Nancy Silvia,

Mike Simpson, Janice St. Marie, Peggy Trigg, Anita Louise West, Thomas Wezwick

Co-chairs: Natasha Isenhour, Barbara Coleman

Post Card

Select to download front and back images (you should see a hovering hand).A lternatively select the jpg images directly:  2020 Fechin Show card.jpg  and  2020 Fechin Show card final back2.jpg for download:


Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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