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2021 Annual Meeting & Election of the 2022 Board

ZOOM Meeting

LOCATION: ZOOM Online Saturday, 11 AM Dec 11, 2021

Email from the President, Phyllis Gunderson:

Dear PAPNM Family,

I hope you will all find a spot in your schedule to join us at 11 AM, on Saturday, December 11th, for our Annual PAPNM meeting and voting in of our new 2022 officers!

As we have been adjusting to a new normal, all of our meetings seem to be on Zoom these days.  While it is different that what we had enjoyed in the past, it affords us an opportunity to get together and share.  

This meeting will include the year end report and an election of officers for 2022.  This year’s board has been tireless in getting so very many things accomplished.  Like you, I am so very grateful for all of the effort and time they have contributed.  Many of the board have signaled that they will be willing to serve another year.  Dick Wimberly has graciously offered to handle the ballots, voting and tallying.  You will get an email from him with the proposed slate and instructions for you to cast your vote.  Please take care of that right away.  

After we discuss the slate and your votes both submitted and those offered online, we will have a year in review summary.  Each of the board members are preparing to highlight accomplishments and observations for the year. At the end of the presentation, Dick will announce the findings 

I welcome you all to use the link below to join.  We will be limited to the first 100 attendees, so try to come a couple of minutes early to ensure a spot!

Phyllis Gunderson is inviting you to the PAPNM Year End meeting and Election of Officers

Time: Dec 11, 2021 11:00 AM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 4325 5123

Passcode: 488547

Please remain on mute, that is unless you are answering a question or on the agenda.  We will have chat open for all questions. Remember that we can hear everything happening in your world and it makes it hard to hear the speaker with ambient noise  

Here is the agenda

  • Opening 2021- President
  • Election - Dick Wimberly / Natasha Isenhour 
  • 2021 Board reports: President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Dir,  Events Director, Communications Director,
  • Election Results - Dick Wimberly / Natasha Isenhour
  • Close by 2022 President
  • Open discussion time 

This is a chance for you to put a face to the names of the folks that have worked so hard to keep us moving forward in this crazy year, as well as a chance for us to see you guys, which is the whole reason we are here!

See you Saturday the 11th at 11AM!

2022 Officers and Board Members, confirmed 12/11/2021

  • President: ________________Phyllis Gunderson  
  • Vice President: ____________Carole Belliveau
  • Treasurer: ________________Ginny Bracht
  • Secretary: ________________Wendy Ahlm
  • Historian: _________________Gwen Ethalbah
  • Membership & Education Director:
           ________________________Jane Frederick
  • Events Director: ____________Cynthia Inson
  • Communications Director:___Stephanie West

PAPNM members have been sent the voting proxy form by email. You have a chance to vote for the whole slate or to enter a substitute nominee.

Candidate Short Bios

  • President - Phyllis Gunderson Artist Member PAPNM.  Positions held: 2019 Events Director, 2020 Vice President, 2021 President.  Current Cafe Coordinator.  Chaired Co-chaired the following events: 2019 National Exhibition, 2020 National Exhibition, 2020 Los Alamos Paint Out and Show.  Team member for the 2021 Jemez Paint Out and Show as well as 2021 13th National Exhibition.  Developed the Events Guidebook and Checklist.   Chair of the Pecos Studio Tour. Retired executive with high tech company.. 
  • Vice President - Carole Belliveau - Signature Member PAPNM, 2021 Vice President Co-Chair of 2021 National Exhibition and Show. Past President and Signature Artist Chair of the Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association
  • Secretary - Wendy Ahlm - Artist member of PAPNM. Positions held: 2021 Secretary. Co-chaired the 2021 Jemez Springs Paint Out. Assisted in producing video content for PAPNM YouTube channel.  Director of Advertising and Marketing for major NM organization.
  • Treasurer - Ginny Bracht. Artist Member of PAPNM, 2021 Treasurer.  Relevant to this position I am employed as a Geologist where I regularly analyze data, use spreadsheets and check records for accuracies in detail.
  • Historian - Gwen Ethelbah - Artist Member of PAPNM.  I have been involved with art organizations (and others) and been on their Boards for over twenty years. I have been President, Secretary, Treasurer (many times), and Show Chair of arts organizations such as Women Artists of the West, and more recently of the High Country Art Gallery, a co-op gallery in Pinetop, AZ. I owned my own gallery, Joyous Lake Gallery, for several years. I recently moved to New Mexico, and live in Sandia Park.
  • Membership & Education Director - Jane Frederick. Artist Member of PAPNM, 2021 Membership and Education Director.  past Vice President, Membership chair, co-webmaster, Treasurer, Nominations Committee of the Capitol Art society in Austin Texas; Past President, Vice President, Newsletter Co-Editor, Program Chair, Webmaster of the Central Texas Pastel Society, Georgetown, Texas; Past Historian and webmaster fo the Austin Pastel. Society; Past membership Director of the Plein Air Austin, Texas
  • Events Director - Cynthia Inson. Artist Member of PAPNM.  Publicity Chair for the Eldorado Arts and Crafts Association Annual Studio Tour.   Worked with volunteers to develop and publish press releases and show catalog.  Co- chaired several fall and winter events for the Eldorado Arts and Crafts Association.  PAPNM - Assisted with 2021 Taos Enchanted Circle Paint Out and Show and National Exhibition Check In and returning artist works.  Experienced Gallery Director and Manager 
  • Communications Director - Stephanie West. Artist Member of PAPNM. Positions held: 2021 Secretary. Co-chaired the 2021 Jemez Springs Paint Out. Assisted in producing video content for PAPNM YouTube channel. Owns her own marketing and website business.  Significant activities: 2020 Website redesign, search engine research, integration of keyword phrases, YouTube channel creation. Video creation, graphic design, ad creation and press release production.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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