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Jemez Springs Paint Out and Show

Jemez Non-Juried Members Paint out and Show

See the Awards Album Here

Best of Show
Second Place
Third Place
Award of Excellence in Water Media
Award of Excellence in Oil Media
Award of Excellence in Dry Media
Earth & Stone
Sacred Water
Fire in the Sky
Best of the Jemez

Awards will consist of merchandise, cash and gift certificates from PAPNM sponsors.

Awards will be determined by the Judge of Awards


  • April 16: Workshop by Tobi Clement 9 AM - 4 PM (Full)

  • April 16: Stamping & Check-In 
    5 - 7 PM, Spanish Queen Picnic Area

  • April 17: Paint out period begins

  • April 17: NEW! Workshop by Tobi Clement 9 AM - 4 PM

  • April 21: Dinner at Los Ojos Bar & Grill 5 - 7 PM

  • April 22: Paint out period ends

  • April 22: Hand delivery of artwork(s) 11 AM - 4 PM

  • April 24: Judging by Judge of Awards

  • April 24: Opening Reception 1 - 4 PM, Jemez Fine Art Gallery

  • May 7: Exhibition Ends, Artwork retrieved 11 AM – 4 PM

The PAPNM Jemez Non-Juried Members Paint out and Show is a paint out and show of original two-dimensional en plein air artworks presented by the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) and hosted by Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM 87024.

The public and collectors are invited to attend the opening reception and view the exhibition at Jemez Fine Art Gallery.  The opening reception is Saturday, April 24th from 1 - 4 PM.

PAPNM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of artists dedicated to preserving and promoting painting "en plein air" - in the open air or outdoors.

Jemez Fine Art Gallery is a collective of 13 Jemez-area artists. 

Participants must adhere to the New Mexico Governor's Public Health Orders and Executive Orders. More information can be found here.

Paint Out: April 17 – April 22, 2021

Show: April 24 - May 7, 2021

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony:
April 24, 2021 1 – 4 PM

17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM 87024


Awards: HERE

PAPNM Membership for 2020 must be current with dues paid in full before submitting to the call for entry for the exhibition. To join, visit, and click “Join Us” in the top menu. Follow the instructions for member application or renewal and payment.

Current PAPNM members working in two-dimensional media, limited to: 

  • oil media (traditional and water-mixable), 
  • wet media (acrylic, watercolor, and gouache) and 
  • dry media (pastel)

Judge of Awards and Workshop

Tobi Clement

Martini Time by Tobi Clement is currently in France waiting for the Women pastellist of the World Exhibition, postponed until May 2022.


Tobi Clement, an award-winning, nationally recognized pastel artist and Signature Member of PAPNM and PSNM, has become known for her luminous expression of skies. In this full day class, she will share some of her tips for capturing the quickly changing expressions of skies when painting plein air. 

For those of you who know Tobi, she teaches a high energy action-filled workshop. 

The morning will begin with a lecture and demo for two hours, students will then work on specific exercises that will provide an opportunity to incorporate some of the techniques discussed. Tobi asks students to arrive early, get set up and be ready to work after the lecture which will begin promptly at 9:00 am. 

We will be working outdoors, so a plein air set up is required.  Bring a support board large enough for your paper and reference materials you will be working from. Attendees will be provided a detailed supply list prior to class.

Students will learn:

  • Selective Composition
  • So Above, So Below
  • Building  Believable Clouds
  • Break to Make

Tobi insists on a limited number of students so she can provide personal attention.

Workshop Dates:

Friday April 16th (This class is full.)

A second workshop has been added for

Saturday, April 17, 2021 (Sign up before it fills up!)

9 AM - 4 PM

Cost: $115 + tax ($124.71)

Limited to 9 participants per day.

 Participants must adhere to the New Mexico Governor's Public Health Orders and Executive Orders. More information can be found here.

Workshop: Sign up at

Materials list will be emailed to attendees.

“Creativity requires courage, curiosity
and a willingness to be playful.” ~ Tobi

“My love of the outdoors, nature, and gardening evolved into a strong desire to express the beauty I was experiencing both visually and energetically when I was outdoors. The intuitive voice led me to choose pastels as my medium and evoked my desire to learn to paint en plein air. The choice could not be more fitting, allowing me to spend time outdoors observing the magical and ever-changing light and extraordinary landscapes of New Mexico.

2010  Tobi began her art journey by taking art workshops and joining her local art organizations, Plein Air Painters of NM and Pastel Society of NM. Tobi said “ I gained so much experience from observing my peers, painting plein air with the group and attending art shows. It wasn’t long before I felt ready to enter local juried shows.” 

2018  A pivotal year in her career as an artist. Tobi was recognized as an Artist to Watch in the May issue of Southwest Art Magazine, then mentioned as the Featured Artist in the June/July issue of Santa Fean Magazine.
An invitation to be represented by Canyon Road Contemporary Art Gallery followed. 

2019  Pratiques des Arts, a French magazine interviewed Tobi for an eight-page editorial and featured her pastel painting “Can I Tempt You?” on the cover of the magazine. 

Tobi was then invited to be one of fourteen American Pastel Artists to be invited by the Les Amis Des Arts to be included in a special exhibition honoring women pastellists. The show will feature the American Women in the historical Orangerie of the Castle La Louvier. The second exhibition will feature over 30 women pastellists from around the world. Exhibition dates May 1, 2022. 

2020  Pastel Journal invited Tobi to create a two-part article for the Skill Builders section, discussing the importance of  understanding the variety of materials available to pastel artists. The first editorial, in the August issue 2020, reviewed brands of pastel papers, the second editorial, October issue 2020, reviewed pastel brands. 

PleinAir Magazine Invited Tobi to create a 6 page article for their Elements section, November issue 2020, explaining her approach to painting skies.

Event Team



Events Director

Select name to send a message.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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