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2021 Taos Plein Air Awards

Awards presented by Judge, Bill Gallen, Master Signature Member of PAPNM.  Additional Quick Draw awards presented by Damien Gonzales, Signature Member of PAPNM.

General awards were given for the paintings executed during the Taos Plein Air week. Additional awards were given for Shimmering Aspens and for the Quick Draw, which took place Saturday Morning (Sept 25), primarily at the Overland Sheep Company Overlook property just north of Taos with great mountain views and scenes with trucks and a Teepee.

Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Exhibit:

Best of Show

Michele Farrier, Morning on the Rio Grande

Historic Masters :

Lee MacLeod, Taos Cottonwoods

Award of Excellence in Water Media:

Gayle Weisfield, Cows were in the Barn

Award of Excellence in Oil Media

Carolyn Lindsey, On the Edge

Award of Excellence in Dry Media: 

Shelly Howard, Rancho Rhythms

Enchanted Sky: 

Jack McGowan, Taos Gorge Beckons

Award for Architecture: 

Wendy Ahlm, Taos Inn 

E. L. Blumenschein Museum Exhibit: Quick Draw and Shimmering Aspens: 

Quick Draw First Place: 
David Knox, Overland Sheepskin Co.

Quick Draw Second Place:

Margi Lucena, The Magic Begins

Quick Draw Third Place:

Lisa Flynn, Taos Truck

Shimmering Aspen Award: 

Jeanmarie Zimmerman, Los Ninos ( Alamo Temblon)

Select thumbnail to enlarge and to see the captions.  Also, you may hover over the thumbnails for captions.

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Award for Excellence in a Dry Media. Shelley Howard. "Ranchos Rythems" 16×12 Pastel. 650.

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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