LOCATION: ZOOM Online Saturday, 10 AM Dec 3, 2022. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87186953525?pwd=dHBlMTJ1YzNnamtsaTMwdlJxMmNkZz09 Dear PAPNM Family, I hope you will all find a spot in your schedule to join us at 10 AM, on Saturday, December 3rd, for our Annual PAPNM meeting and voting in of our new 2023 officers! This meeting will yet again be a Zoom meeting. We are holding this business meeting via Zoom so that all of our members may attend. This meeting will include the Year End Report and the election of officers for 2023. This year’s board has been very busy in getting so very many things accomplished. Like you, I am so very grateful for all of the expertise, effort and time they have contributed. for some it is time to pass the torch. Some of the board have signaled that they will be willing to serve another year either in their current position or in a new one. As I am moving to PAPNM Past President I will handle the ballots, voting and tallying. Natasha will assist as able. You have received an email with the proposed slate and instructions for you to cast your vote. Please take care of that right away. After we discuss the slate and your votes both submitted and those offered online, we will have a year in review summary. Each of the board members are preparing to highlight accomplishments and observations for the year aligned to the strategy we set earlier in the year. At the end of the presentation, I will announce the findings and then turn the meeting over to the new PAPNM President Please use the link below to join the meeting. We will be limited to the first 100 attendees, so try to come a couple of minutes early to ensure a spot! PAPNM Year End meeting and Election of Officers Time: Dec 3, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time Please remain on mute, that is unless you are answering a question or on the agenda. We will have chat open for all questions. Here is the meeting agenda
This is a chance for you to put a face to the names of the folks that have worked so hard to keep us moving forward in this year, as well as a chance for us to see you guys, which is the whole reason we are here! See you Saturday December 3rd at 10AM! Best Regards, Phyllis Gunderson President, PAPNM | 2023 PAPNM Board of Directors (as elected on 12/03/2022)
Proxy VotingTo vote before the meeting or if you are not going to be able to attend, please use the Proxy vote form, sign it, photograph or scan it and return to Phyllis Gunderson via email: pagunderson@att.net, text: 505 463-4632 or mail: PO Box 309, Pecos NM 87552. 2022 PAPNM Proxy vote form .pdf
Candidate Short Bios