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2023 Annual Meeting & Election of the 2024 Board


Saturday, 10 AM Dec 2, 2023.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4847 2182

Passcode: 144221

Dear Members

On Saturday, December 2nd at 10:00 am MST, we will have our annual membership meeting on Zoom. We will be handling voting for our incoming Board slightly differently this year, allowing you to vote directly from your computer instead of having to mail (print/sign/scan/send) in proxies or vote in person. 

This means the focus of the meeting will be reporting what we did last year, and letting you know what we anticipate doing in 2024! Of course, what we PLAN to do involves you, your ideas, and your participation!  There will be lots of fun things to talk about, and time for whatever is on YOUR mind!

In the next few days you will be receiving an email with the instructions for voting, the proposed slate of officers, and brief bios of each.

I look forward to seeing you on Zoom. Perhaps next year we will be able to have an in-person Annual meeting! It’s a matter of time and volunteers, as you might guess.

Wishing each of you a joyous holiday season and lots of painting,

Gwen Ethelbah, President

PAPNM Year End meeting and Election of Officers

Time: Dec 2, 2023 10:00 AM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4847 2182

Passcode: 144221

Please remain on mute, that is unless you are answering a question or on the agenda.  We will have chat open for all questions.

Here is the meeting agenda

  • Opening 2023 Annual Meeting - Gwen Ethelbah
  • 2023 Year End Board reports - 2023 Board of Directors
  • 2024 Board of Directors Election Results - Phyllis Gunderson
  • 2024 PAPNM President's Remarks
  • Close by 2024 President
  • Open discussion time 

Electronic Voting (new this year)

This year we will be using a secure site to collect your electronic votes.  You will each receive an email to invite you to vote.  The email will be from Plein Air Painters of New Mexico ( You will be taken to a secure site via a  link in the email.  Just click on the link and vote to approve or reject the nominations as presented.  You will also have the option to abstain, and write-in a nomination or comment.  You can do this from your phone, tablet or desktop computer.  

Sent any questions you have to before December 2nd.

2024 PAPNM Board of Directors    confirmed by election on 12/2/2023

  • President: ________________Barbara Coleman 
  • Vice President: ___________Nancy Davis
  • Treasurer: ________________Donna Barnhill
  • Secretary: ________________Shelia Galvin
  • Sponsor Director: _________Debbie Fowler
  • Membership & Education Director: Reid Bandeen
  • Events Co-Directors: _______Katherine Gauntt and Patricia Leister (new Jan 10)
  • Communications Director:___Chris Miller
  • Past President _____________Gwen Ehelbah
Candidate Short Bios
  • President - Barbara Coleman -   Signature member of PAPNM. Active in PAPNM’s management for several years as Membership Director and Vice-President in 2023. She has held government positions in city planning and urban design, was a professor in the University of New Mexico’s Architecture program and owned and managed a business in ecological restoration of rivers and wetlands. Signature Memberships in Oil Painters of America, Pastel Society of America, and Plein Air Painters of New Mexico. Associate, Women Artists of the West. Exhibits her work in Legends of the West Gallery, Santa Fe and in nationally juried competitions and invitationals.
  • Vice President - Nancy Davis Artist Member of PAPNM, PAPNM Secretary 2018 - 2019. She has shown in the PAPNM National show and many other juried shows. She is a member of The Bettina Steinke Studio Group of Santa Fe. Their annual show, ‘7 Visions of the West’ is held in late summer at Abiquiu, near Ghost Ranch. Other memberships include Portrait Society of America, Signature member of Pastel Society of NM, NM Watercolor Society, and Rio Grande Art Association. Her background with horses, livestock and ranching often inspires and informs her work, as well as painting the incomparable New Mexico landscape.
  • Treasurer - Donna Barnhill. Artist Member of PAPNM, PAPNM Treasurer 2018 - 2020. I am an experienced professional with over 30 years of experience in the energy sector. I have played a crucial role as an owner and manager in my family business. I have proficiency in tools such as Quicken and Quickbooks, as well as in administration, bookkeeping and finances. I am a member of Oil Painters of America,  American Impressionist Society, Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, New Mexico Women in the Arts, New Mexico Art League, Rio Grande Art Association, Plein Air Artists Colorado, and Plein Air Palm Beach.
    My journey is a blend of professional success and artistic passion, contributing to both business and art realms. 
  • Secretary -   Sheila Galvan - Artist Member of PAPNM, 2022-2023 PAPNM Secretary.  As a military spouse for 30 years, Sheila had the honor of serving on numerous boards and councils, holding most every elected and appointed position from member at large to president, and volunteered extensively throughout each community. Settling here in New Mexico, she is back to painting, is a Certified Picture Framer (CPF) through the Professional Picture Framers Association (PPFA).
  • Sponsor Director - Debbie Fowler. Artist Member of PAPNM, served a fundraising chair in 2023 . She served ten years on the Educational Committee and then two terms as the President of the largest Hot Air Balloon organization in the country. She has taken on the Sponsorship/Fundraising role with great success. She has developed the Members Goodies area on the PAPNM website.
  • Membership & Education Director - Reid Bandeen. Artist Member of PAPNM. Relevant positions previously held:  2014-2016 Membership Chair.  Bandeen currently exhibits in assorted regional shows and competitions, and at the West View Fine Art Studio/Gallery in Placitas, New Mexico. 
  • Events Director - pending
  • Communications Director - Chris Miller Artist Member of PAPNM. Chris spent a career as a newspaper reporter and write/manager in media relations and communications at Sandia National Labs. He served four years on the board of Rio Grande Art Association and three of those years as president. Chris wrote the newsletter for PAPNM in the past and plans to restart it in 2024. He shows his work at Amapola Gallery and in juried exhibitions.
  • Past President - Gwen Ethelbah - Artist member of PAPNM, 2022 historian and 2023 President.  Gwen will move to this position on the Board of Directors to provide content and support to the new board.  Gwen has an extensive background in nonprofit organization management, both as staff and as a Board member, including Women Artists of the West (Signature Emeritus) and High Country Art Gallery as well as several business organizations. Served in all positions. Founded the Westside Economic Collaborative before retiring. Owned Joyous Lake Gallery in Pinetop, AZ, and moved to New Mexico three years ago.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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