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Peggy Immel - Featured Master Signature Artist!

04 Nov 2022 4:55 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

“I believe the ‘why’ of a painting matters more than the ‘what.’ The most exciting pieces to paint have both a visual and philosophical foundation.” –Peggy Immel

Before landscape painter Peggy Immel begins a new piece, she asks herself, “Why are you painting this?” She does this to help stay focused on the original intention and ultimate goal of each piece. Sometimes the goal involves visual aspects like light, color or contrast, while other times it’s more an attraction to the philosophical aspects of a particular subject.

Peggy was born in Phoenix, Arizona, lived in Boston for over thirty years, and ultimately returned to her western roots when she and her husband, Steve, settled in Taos, New Mexico, where they now live.

Her educational background includes architectural studies at Arizona State University and classes at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA, the DeCordova Museum School, Lincoln, MA, and the Silvermine Arts Center, New Canaan, CT. She is a Master Signature Member of Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, a Signature Member of Plein Air Artists Colorado, and a Signature Member of American Women Artists.

Peggy’s paintings have been included in national exhibitions and have received numerous awards including a Best of Show in 2013 in the MAA Exhibition at the Museum of the Southwest in Midland, TX, a Best of Show at the 2013 Plein Air Painters of New Mexico Annual Juried Exhibition, and a Best of Show Trustees’ Award at the 2014 Millicent Rogers Museum Annual Miniature Exhibition in Taos, NM. Her most recent awards include the Artists Choice Award for "Winter Impression" at the 2019 Plein Air Artists Colorado National Juried Exhibition, First Place for "Grandpa Tied the Flies" at the 2021 Sedona Plein Air Festival, Sedona AZ , and a Best of Show Trustees’ Award for "Golden Light" at the 2022 Millicent Rogers Museum Annual Miniature Exhibition in Taos, NM .


  • Sorrel Sky Gallery - 828 Main Ave., Durango Colorado
  • Sorrel Sky Gallery - 125 West Palace Ave, Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Wilder Nightingale Fine Art - 119-A Kit Carson Road, Taos, New Mexico



  • Master Signature Member Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, 
  • Signature Member Plein Air Artists Colorado, 
  • Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters, 
  • Signature Member American Women Artists, 
  • Laguna Plein Air Painters Association, 
  • National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic, Oil Painters of America, 
  • American Impressionist Society


• Best Nocturne, "Electric Sundown”, April 2022, 12th Annual PleinAir Salon by Plein Air Magazine, Judge of Awards Camille Prezwodek

• Best Artist Over 65, "Red Light”, April 2022, 12th Annual PleinAir Salon by Plein Air Magazine, Judge of Awards Camille Prezwodek

• Finalist, "Morning Reverie", February 2022 " Bold Brush Art Contest & Exhibit Online, Judge of Awards Brienne Brown

• Best of Show Trustees Award, "Golden Light", February 2022 "Annual Miniatures Exhibition, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM

• First Place, "Grandpa Tied the Flies”, October 2021, Sedona Plein Air Festival, selected by Judge of Awards Michele Usibelli

• Best Western, "Lunchtime”, December 2020, 10th Annual PleinAir Salon by Plein Air Magazine, selected by Judge of Awards Scott A. Shields

• Best of Signature Members, "Pink and Blue”, 2020 PAAC Annual National Juried Exhibition, Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, Taos, NM Judge of Awards, Frank LaLumina

• Artists' Choice"  "Winter Impression”, 2019 PAAC 23rd Annual National Juried Exhibition, Studio 8369, Grand Lake CO

• Best of Signature Members, "Furrows”, 2018 PAAC Annual National Juried Exhibition, Sorrel Sky Gallery, Durango, CO Judge of Awards, Gerald Merfeld

• Award of Excellence, "Flower Dance”, 2018 Plein Air for the Park, Grand Teton Nat Park WY selected by Judge of Awards Josh Elliott

• Bold Brush Painting Competition, "Snow Capped”, September 2017, selected Finalist by Judge William Schneider

• The Allen Award, "Ridgeline”, August 2014, “18th Annual National Juried Exhibition", Plein Air Artists Colorado, Abend Gallery, Denver, CO

• Best of Show Trustees Award, February 2014 "Annual Miniatures Exhibition, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM

• Best of Show, "Seven Below”, October 2013, “PAPNM Annual Juried Exhibition", Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM

• Honorable Mention, “Adobe, Sumac & Blue Sky”, June 2013, “Plein Air Santa Fe", Santa Fe, NM 

  • Best of Show, "Salt and Pepper”, March 2013, “MAA Spring Juried Exhibition", Museum of the Southwest, Midland, TX
    • Second Place, “Storm Clouds”, December 2012, “NM Art in the Parks", Plein Air Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM 
    • Randy Higbee Gallery Third Place Award, “Along the High Road”, December 2012, “6x6 2012 Fall Show”, Randy Higbee Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA 
    • Best Oil Painting, “Lazy Morning”, May 2012, “PAPNM Annual Paintout & Exhibition", Ruidoso, NM  
    • Honorable Mention, “Blue Spruce & Red Berries”, April 2012, “Plein Air Southwest Salon 2012", Southwest Gallery, Dallas, TX 
    • Best of Signature Artists, “Blue Horizon”, September 2011, “PAPNM Annual Juried Exhibition”, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM
    • Source Tek Award of Excellence for a Miniature, "A Mighty Fine Boulder", August 2011, "Plein Air Rockies" Estes Park, CO
    • Artists Choice Award, “Early Migration”, November 2010, “NM Art in the Parks” Plein Air Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM
    • Artisan Award, “Still Water”, November 2010, “NM Art in the Parks” Plein Air Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM
    • Artists Choice Award, “Autumn in Crestone”, October 2010, PAPNM Juried Exhibition, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM
    • Artists Choice Award, “Wrangler Alley”, August 2010, Wyoming Plein Air, Link Gallery, Cheyenne, WY
    • Award of Merit, “Dry Grass and Russian Olives”, April 2010, Nomadas del Arte Exhibition, Southwest Gallery, Dallas, TX
    • Honorable Mention, “Lingering Winter”, April 2009, Nomadas del Arte Exhibition, Southwest Gallery, Dallas, TX 
    • Best of Show, “Seco Sundown”, 2008 Taos Invites Taos, Taos Fall Arts Festival
    • Top 50, Southwest Art Magazine “21 Over 31” Competition 2010
    • FAV 15, Fine Art Views, Bold Brush- Painting Competition, Sept 2009, Jan 2010, March 2010, June 2010, Oct 2010
    • Marion de Sola Mendes Memorial Award, NSPC&A

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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