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Jemez Springs Paint Out and Show

Jemez Non-Juried Members Paint out and Show

Best of Show:    Marie Erb 
2nd Place Overall:  Rachel Pearson
3rd Place  Overall:  James Trigg

All Paintings          All Award Winners


  • April 21: 9 AM - 4 PM Workshop by Dick Wimberly (additional fee, workshop is FULL)
  • April 21: Stamping & Check-In from 5 - 7 PM in Jemez Village near the Gazebo
  • April 21 after stamp-in: Paint out period begins

  • April 22: Just for Fun Quick Draw (4 - 6 PM)
  • April 24: Luncheon at Walatowa Courtyard
  • April 26: Paint out period ends
  • April 26: Hand delivery of artwork(s) 1 PM - 4 PM

  • April 28: Judging by Judge of Awards

  • April 29: Opening Reception 1 - 3 PM

  • May 11: Exhibition Ends, Artwork retrieved 11 AM – 4 PM

PAPNM Membership for 2023 must be current with dues paid in full before submitting to the call for entry for the exhibition. To join, click “Join Us” in the top menu of Follow the instructions for member application or renewal and payment.

Current PAPNM members working in two-dimensional media, limited to: 

  • oil media (traditional and water-mixable), 
  • wet media (acrylic, watercolor, and gouache) and
    dry media (pastel)

Paint Out: April 21 – 26, 2023

Show: April 29 - May 11, 2023

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony:
April 29, 2023 1 – 3 PM 

Prospectus: HERE 

The PAPNM Jemez Non-Juried Members Paint out and Show is a paint out and show of original two-dimensional en plein air artworks presented by the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) and hosted by Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM 87024.

The public and collectors are invited to attend the opening reception and view the exhibition at Jemez Fine Art Gallery.  The opening reception is Saturday, April 29th from 1 - 43 PM.

PAPNM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of artists dedicated to preserving and promoting painting "en plein air" - in the open air or outdoors.

Jemez Fine Art Gallery is a collective of Jemez-area artists.

Dick Wimberly

About Dick Wimberly

Dick is a plein air artist whose paintings communicate the moods and seasons of nature. “I feel strongly that I have been given the gift of translating what I see and feel into paint on canvas “ Wimberly explains. “I’m responsible  and obligated to share that gift.” 

Dick's work is characterized by a sense of authenticity; he prefers to paint on location to better capture the feel of his subject. High winds, blowing dirt, bitter cold or even insects in the paint do not deter him, but help to capture the feel of the subject. “In the process of capturing a painting there is a state of spiritual flow I enter into that makes everything come together and worth while.” Wimberly says. “Art is about giving and receiving. It’s about sharing the beauty that I see in my heart and mind with others.”Dick Wimberly's great grandparents came to the Llano Estacado in eastern New Mexico  in a covered wagon. Raised here and in West Texas, Dick found grace and beauty in this  desert that was home for him. 

Dick has always been interested in art, and cannot remember a time when he wasn't drawing, painting or sculpting. As a result of this and his consequent inattention to school work, he began his formal art training at the age of nine, when his grandmother arranged for him to study with professional artist Maxine Weaver each summer in Claude, Texas. 

He has been painting outdoors for over 40 years, and has taught art to everyone from children in Albuquerque Public Schools to adults at Eastern New Mexico University.  Dick has been a professional artist since earning his degree in art from Eastern New Mexico University. He has studied with Wilson Hurley, Clyde Aspevig and Michael Lynch. Dick has taught workshops around the US. 

As well as winning awards in various competitions,  he is the only artist who has won three times the Jeff Potter award for best landscape by a New Mexico artist at the PAPNM National Juried Members Show. Dick has sold through various  galleries in New York, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico and has had many one man shows over  the years. Dick Wimberly served as the 2019 President of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico and is a member of the Oil Painters of America and of the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association. Dick lives with his wife in Cedar Crest, New Mexico, where there is a large art community and an abundance of landscapes and worthy subjects within a day's drive. He enjoys traveling and follows his heart painting on location in national parks, across the US, and in Great Britain.

“Love in Bloom” 9”x12”,
Jeff Potter Award 2019 PAPNM National Exhibition

April 21st Workshop (additional fee)

 “Native Colors” 12”x16” oil
Best of Show- 2017 Jemez Springs Paintout and Show

Shape Up! 
How much do you VALUE your paintings?
Composing without pain. Conceive your paintings tapping into the Joy in your heart using Design, Value and Color.

DATE: 4/21/2023   9am to 4pm  

COST: $145


SIGN UP HERE   Limited to 12 spots! Be sure to sign up early!

Join national award winning artist Dick Wimberly in this exciting and entertaining outdoor painting workshop in stunning Jemez Springs, NMThis one day class will focus on how to start a painting by choosing a beautiful and paintable scene, then to compose, edit and design your composition, no matter the subject. There will be lectures and demonstrations. 

Dick will discuss painting principles and demonstrate techniques he uses en plein air.

The workshop is open to ALL MEDIUMS as it is focused on starting and holding on to your artistic vision that inspired you to paint a scene. Participants will choose their subjects and be guided through producing their own works.  Attendees can expect to start several paintings.

  • LEARN to interpret what you see from the Joy in your heart
  • LEARN to see shapes in the landscape and design with those shapes
  • LEARN to see and use value levels to give dimension to your paintings
  • LEARN to compose with color
  • LEARN speed skills

Dick has been a professional artist since graduation from Eastern New Mexico University. He has been painting outdoors for over 40 years, and has taught art to everyone from children in Albuquerque Public Schools to adults at two New Mexico Universities. He has studied with Wilson Hurley, Clyde Aspevig and Michael Lynch. He served as  President of  Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) and is a member of the Oil Painters of America and of the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association.

Event Team



Events Director

Select name to send a message.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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