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Paint New Mexico! Award Winners

View all paintings: 2024 Paint New Mexico Album

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7 photo(s) Updated on: 15 Jun 2024
  • BEST OF SHOW Ellen Buselli, Patterns at Acequia Madre House, 10x12, oil, $1,600
  • SECOND PLACE Jane Frederick, Santa Fe River 2, 11x14, oil on panel
  • SPECIAL JUDGE'S RECOGNITION Karen Halbert, Ghost Ranch Cabin, 9x12, oil, $500
  • THIRD PLACE Kat Hansen, Monestary Road Turn Off, 11.75 x 15.6875, pastel, $750
  • MAGDALENA AWARD OF DISTINCTION. Deborah Paisner, Josie's Abode, 11 x 14, oil, $1,475
  • ARTISTS CHOICE AWARD. Rachel Pearson, Sun Salutation, 12x12, oil, $375
  • AWARD OF EXCELLENCE. Arlene Tugel, Behind First Street - Magdalena NM, 9x13, watercolor, $500

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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P.O. Box  1948
Santa Fe, NM

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