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14th National Juried Members Exhibition

Reception and Awards Ceremony

and Demo by Patrick Saunders

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32 photo(s) Updated on: 01 Nov 2022
  • Patrick Saunders, Judge of Awards, during his demo!
  • Patrick Saunders' finished demo piece!!
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson
  • Wild Sage Gallery Owner, Molly Barlyn and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson
  • Special Margi Lucena Award Honoree Nancy Sivia and Phyllis Gunderson
  • Special Margi Lucena Award Honoree Nancy Sivia and Phyllis Gunderson
  • Special Margi Lucena Award Honoree Nancy Sivia with her lovely painting "Winter Afternoon in Taos Canyon" and Phyllis Gunderson
  • Presentation by Gallery owner Molly Barlyn of the Wild Sage Gallery Award to Michele Bryne for "Apples and Adobe"
  • Presentation by Gallery owner Molly Barlyn of the Wild Sage Gallery Award to Michele Bryne for "Apples and Adobe"
  • Michele Byrne, at the Gallery with her painting: Wild Sage Gallery Award. Congratulations.
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders discussing the Jeffery Potter Memorial Award winning painting by Nancy Davis, "The Sacramento".
  • The Jeffery Potter Memorial Award winning painting by Nancy Davis, "The Sacramento".
  • "Shadow Passing" by lee MacLeod awarded the Louisa McElwain Memorial Award with Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders discussion the qualities in the painting that informed his decision on conferring the Louisa McElwain Memorial Award to Lee Macleod for his painting "Shadow Passing"
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders, Artist Lee MacLeod and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson as Lee receives the Louisa McElwain Memorial award for his painting, "Shadow Passing"
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders discussion his decision on the PAPNM Founders Award for the painting "Spring in Arroyo Seco" by Lisa Flynn with Rachel Pearson and Phyllis Gunderson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders with Artist Lisa Flynn and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson as she receives the PAPNM Founders Award for the painting "Spring in Arroyo Seco"
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson with the Artist Members Honorable Mention winning painting "Reunite Farm Santa FE" by Erik Speyer
  • Artist Members Award of Excellence Award winning painting "Diablo sketch" by Ann Jenneman with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson.
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders discusses his rational on awarding the Artist Members Award of Excellence for Diablo Sketch by Ann Jenemann with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson.
  • Best of Artist Members Award to Spike Ress for "Navajo Desert" with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders discussing the Best of Artist Members Award to Spike Ress for "Navajo Desert" with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson with the Best of Artist Members winning painting "Navajo Desert" by Spike Ress.
  • Best of Signature Members painting "Little Red Springs" by Mike Simpson with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Simpson discussion his decision for Best of Signature Members Award for "Little Red Springs" by Mike Simpson with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders awards Best of Signature Members painting "Little Red Springs" by Mike Simpson with with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson
  • BEST OF SHOW "From the Bridge" by Carolyn Lindsey with PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson and Rachel Pearson
  • Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders and PAPNM President Phyllis Gunderson with the Best of Show winning painting "From the Bridge" by Carolyn Lindsey.

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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