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President's Message - April 2021

11 Apr 2021 11:44 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

Dear PAPNM family

As the weather continues to improve, more and more of us are getting out and enjoying the beauty that surrounds.  I feel particularly grateful for the opportunity to go outside and paint with talented friends. I haven’t been out painting much in the last several months, but recently took the opportunity to try out new hardware to get out to paint. No, I didn’t get a new easel, but rather a new hip; I had a full hip replacement in March.  It's interesting to note that when you can’t seem to do something you dearly love due to issues beyond your control, the return to your passion is all the more sweet. Many of us have stayed away from gatherings and friends for far too long.  As conditions and weather improves, I would encourage you to embrace the opportunity to get out and paint.

I’m excited to report that we will have our first major event starting inabout a week.  The  "Hot Springs, Cool Town" Non-Juried Paint Out and Show in Jemez Springs is in full swing and moving forward our intrepid co-chairs Wendy Ahlm and Susan Nichols have planned and put together a fun and very well organized event.  There may be a spot or two still open for Tobi Clemens workshop.  If interested check it out. We have 60 artists converging on the unique beauty of the Jemez Springs area for the week before the opening.  If I am not mistaken, this is the largest turn out yet for this event. I hope to see you out there!

PAPNM Paint Out are starting up as well.  Check out the PaintOuts page for upcoming events! Thank you to our Paint Out Coordinators for searching out great locations and hosting: CharlesCoutret - Central NM,  Michael Chesley Johnson - Western NM andSuzanne Schleck - Northern NM.  Please remember that when yousign up for a PAPNM Paint Out that you have one of the limited spotsfor that paint out.  While we all know that life happens and things come up, the coordinators would really appreciate you letting them know in advance to not to look for you if you can’t be there.  If you can give advance notice, even better, as we may have someone on awaiting list.

In my last note to all of you I wrote about the upcoming Plein Air Cafe- a virtual meet up once a month on Zoom to talk about all thingsPlein Air Painting. We have had to take a step back from that and willbe looking for a coordinator from the membership to facilitate thecalls.  We should put a formal call in a week or so. Please consider adding your talent to our activities.

Again, wishing you health and creativity as you go forth to interpret the beauty of New Mexico and other state landscapes as Plein Air painters.

Again wishing you the best of health and creativity

Phyllis Gunderson, President PAPNM

Again, wishing you health and creativity as you go forth to interpret the beauty of New Mexico and other state landscapes as Plein Air painters.

Best Regards, 

Phyllis Gunderson, President 

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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