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President's Message May 2021

08 May 2021 3:34 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

Dear PAPNM Members and friends

As always, I hope this note finds you well and enjoying the creativity that you bring to the beauty of our land with Plein Air Painting. 

First off, I would like to welcome our new members:  

  • Jason Adamik from Tijeras, New Mexico
  • Jeanne Adams from Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Rick Alt from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Michelle Baker from Asheville, North Carolina
  • Didi Bourbon from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Caroline Coutret from Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Sheryl Craig from Leedly, Oklahoma
  • Cindy Fry from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Andy Garcia from Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico
  • Deborah Hedrick from Midland, Texas
  • Angela Jo from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Susan Lange Marshall from Corrales, New Mexico
  • Teresa Newman from Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Denise Rose from Cochiti Lake, New Mexico
  • Danta Ruiz from Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico
  • Nelda Smith from Logan, New Mexico 
  • Laura Speer from Corrales, New Mexico
  • Kathryn Stedham from Santa Fe,  New Mexico
  • Alida Tustison from Pena Blanca, New Mexico
  • Jonathan Vordermark from Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico
  • Krysteen Waszak from Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Alices Webb from Albuquerque, New Mexico 
  • Mike Word from Santa Fe, New Mexico

We now have new PAPNM aprons for sale.  We will be offering them for $20 each plus shipping.  They are quite nice with our logo and pockets.  Thank you Stephanie West for getting these ordered for our members.  We should have them up on the website for sale soon, in the interim, contact any board member to get yours.

Beth Cooper and the events teams have been really busy arranging for Paint Outs and Events.  

  • PAPNM Paint Out coordinators are knocking it out of the park!  Thank you Suzanne Scleck, Charles Coutret, Micheal Chesley Johnson!  Lots of Paint Outs coming up sign up and join the fun
    • 15 May 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT), Elena Gallegos Open Space, Albuquerque. 
    • 05 Jun 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT), Couse-Sharp Historic Site, Taos NM,  46 Kit Carson Road, Taos NM 87571. 
    • 19 Jun 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT), Cerrillos Hills State Park, Cerrillos, NM. 
    • 03 Jul 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT), Rio Grande del Norte National Monument Slide Trailhead
    • We are adding a Paint Out for June at Ghost Ranch June 11 and 12 as well.  Watch for details next week!
    • And more… check out the PAPNM calendar.
  • Jemez Hot town Cool Springs Paint Out and Show event just concluded at the Jemez Fine Art Gallery in Jemez Springs.  Huge "WAY TO GO" out to Co Chairs Wendy Alhm and Susan Nichols as well as their volunteers that pulled this together.  Not only was the event really fun and well organized, I believe 18 paintings were sold! Thank you to our Judge of Awards Tobi Clement!  Congratulations to all our talented award winers. Whoo hoo.
  • A reminder of upcoming events reminder on Signs of Spring - Online Contests  Deadline for entry is June 10, 2021.
  • Taos Plein Air "Painting the Enchanted Circle" Juried Members Paint Out and Show.  The opening is September 25, 2021 at the Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Gallery in Taos New Mexico.  Call for entry should be in June. Save the Date: Taos Plein Air "Painting the EnchantedCircle" Juried Paint Out and Show  Our chairs for this event are Beth Cooper, Beth May, Suzanne Schleck, Susan Brown and Dick Wimberly.  
  • 13th National Juried Members Exhibition at the Sorrel Sky Gallery in Santa Fe with an opening on October 29,2021Save the Date: 13th National Juried MembersExhibition Call for entry should be in June. The chairs are Carole Belliveau, Lee MacLeod, Kat Hansen and Beth Cooper
Sponsors.  We are so very much appreciative of our sponsors and I would like to let you know we have a new one at the Fine Art Store with their Rochester Art Supply Club Program.   When PAPNM members and friends shop at the Fine Art Store, PAPNM will get a 5% credit for gift cards that we can in turn use for prizes at our events.  Check them out at, Rochester Art Supply.  Remember when you put in your order, let them know that you are associated with PAPNM.

We are having a PAPNM Board Meeting on Friday May 14, at 9:30 AM and I would like to invite you to attend.  It will be via Zoom. Here is the link: 

Meeting ID: 825 5598 2527

Passcode: 080763 

We try to keep our meetings to under two hours, which can be a challenge with all that the team is working on.  This is a very hard working Board!  When you join the meeting, we will have you on mute, but you will be able to ask questions via chat.  We will be monitoring those inquiries and addressing as many as we can during the session as it applies to the reports presented by each board member.  At the end of the meeting, we will open up for general discussion.  

Send me any questions or comments you may have by replying to this message.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  

As always, have a wonderful day!

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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