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President's Message - November 2022

04 Nov 2022 5:17 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

Happy November!  So much to be grateful for!   Quick note to give you updates on a few things: 14th National Event,  year end meeting and our Master Signature Member Focus

14th National Juried Members Exhibition and Show.  It is a beautiful exhibition.  Many thanks to our host, Molly Barlyn of Wild Sage Gallery for hosting PAPNM.  We had the Opening on Friday, 10/28/2022.  It was great to see all the people that showed up for the Judge of Awards Patrick Saunders' fabulous demo and the Awards Ceremony.  

As a quick recap:  79 artists juried into the show and 6 of our Master Signature Members are exhibiting.  Here is the link to the album   As an update, 10 paintings have been sold! 

Whoo hoo!  Your Patrons and Collectors have until the 11/10/2022 to acquire that next special piece for their collections!

Many thanks to all the volunteers that helped with painting intake and thank you in advance for those that will be assisting with painting pick up and shipping.  Your efforts are absolutely appreciated!  These events would not be possible without you. The talented winning artists are: 

Best of Show - Carolyn Lindsey - ‘From the Bridge'

Best of Signature Members - Mike Simpson - 'Little Red Springs'

Best of Artist Members - Spike Ress - Navaho Desert'

Artist Members Award of Excellence - Ann Jenemann - 'Diablo Sketch'

Artist Members Honorable Mention - Erik Speyer - 'Reunite Farm Santa Fe'

PAPNM Founders Award -Lisa Flynn - 'Spring in Arroyo Seco'

Louisa McElwain Memorial Award - Lee MacLeod - 'Shadow Passing'

Jeffrey Potter Memorial Award - Nancy J. Davis - 'The Sacramento'

Artists' Choice - Lamya Deeb - ‘More on the Way'

Wild Sage Gallery Award - Michele Byrne - 'Apples and Adobe'

In addition to these wonderful awards,  we had the opportunity to present a very special award - Margi Lucena Memorial Award for 'Winter in Taos Canyon’ to Nancy Silvia selected and funded by Margi's husband, Dado Lucena.

Here is the link to the videos of the award presentations  Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

On behalf of National Co-Chair and Events Director Cynthia Inson and me, congratulations to the juried artists, the winners, many thanks to the volunteers, and Molly Barlyn of Wild Sage Gallery!

The PAPNM Year End Meeting will again be virtual a Zoom meeting on December 3rd at which the 2022 Board of Directors will give its year end report out and we will all elect new officers for 2023 Board of Directors.  The tentative time  for the meeting is 10am.  The meeting should last 60 to 90 minutes.  I will send out a specific invitation to all of you as well a proxy voting form.  I will not be on the ballot as I will stay on the board in an advisory capacity as Past President.  I would really appreciate all of you reviewing the slate, voting your preference, signing the letter and sending back to me.  There will be detailed instruction in that invitation.  If you would like to volunteer for any position, please send me a note right away and I will get it to those working the nominations.  Volunteering on the Board of Directors is not only a great way to give back to the organization and add your special magic to the team but also a great way to get to know your fellow painters much better. 

The third item I would like to share in this message is highlight one of our very special Master Signature Members.  This member is gracious and active member of the PAPNM organization in addition to being an important talented American painter.   

Peggy Immel spent many years in in Boston and returned to her western roots and settled in Taos with her beloved husband Steve.  Check out the section on the Home page on the Featured Master Signature Member, our very own talented and generous of heart - Peggy Immel!

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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