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PAPNM: December President's Message

01 Dec 2022 3:07 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

Happy December, PAPNM Family

As I sit down to write my December note, I realize how much we all have to be grateful for.  We are a vibrant organization with some of the most talented artists in the nation amongst our members; we have been able to hold paint outs and events largely without interruption during a challenging couple of years, and we live amongst the most inspiring landscapes in the world.  For me personally, I am grateful to being able to serve the organization for the last couple of years. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me and and the team as stewards of PAPNM. Yes, paint me grateful.

This year we were able to recognize a new addition to the Signature Member ranks of PAPNM - Dick Wimberly!   A very active member of PAPNM, Dick is a talented artist that enthusiastically shares his knowledge and is always willing to lend a hand or shoulder a task to help the organization.   Dick has held the following positions and has contributed to the growth and maturation of PAPNM:  past Events Director (2017), past Vice President (2018), Chair of the Taos Plein Air Show (2019), Past President (2019).  He is active in Oil Painters of America. He is an experienced and caring art instructor. His wonderful work is collected both nationally and internationally.   Please see Wimberly_Bio.pdf. We are certainly fortunate to have Dick Wimberly as a new Signature member of PAPNM.

Saturday, December 3rd at 10am is our Year End Meeting at which I and the talented and hard working  Board of Directors will give you a Year End report outlining our progress to the goals we set at the beginning of 2022.  In addition, we will elect the PAPNM Board of Directors for 2023.  

Please make time in your busy schedules to join us.  Here is the link to the page 2022 Annual Meeting & Election of the 2023 Board.  If you would like to vote early or don’t think you can attend, here is the link to the proxy vote form 2022 PAPNM Proxy vote form .pdf.  I would prefer that you send it to me via text 505 463 4621 due to the amount of time between now and the meeting.   I will be handling the votes as I am not running for an elective office next year.  I will be staying on the board in a consultive role as the Past President.  And here is the zoom link for the meeting on 

Saturday, 10 AM Dec 3, 2022.

 Look forward to 'seeing' all of you soon

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Best Regards, Phyllis Gunderson, President

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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