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President’s Message - Jan 1, 2020

07 Jan 2020 8:39 AM | Karen Halbert (Administrator)

President's Message -  Jan 1, 2020

Dear PAPNM Family and Friends,

Happy New Year everyone!  I’ve spent a good deal of time thinking of what I wanted to say in this inaugural address of the membership.  It’s a first impression for some of you, and others will hear the familiar sound of my voice as you read on. I hope you will take a minute to read it as I think it is important to be a part of new beginnings and shifts in paradigms.  It’s that golden moment to get a sense of excitement of the new, find comfort in the tried and true, and to see where we all fit in among the pieces of the puzzle.

For all the obvious reasons, the idea of 2020 is most expressed in terms of vision.  Perhaps that’s why I’ve felt so empowered in my own career to take a new look and freshen my vision of what this new year has in store.  Just like standing outside, pochade box being the only thing between you and what you intend to paint.  It’s at that moment that editing becomes your most important ally.  What is most important, what is simply noise and isn’t helpful in terms of conveying your idea and sense of place?  How do we do that in our lives?  Exactly the same way.  

I could look at 2020 as a summit that looks impossibly intimidating and feeling the obstacles are just too great, or, I can look at 2020 as a journey to be traveled.  Instead of a view far too detailed to possibly get down before the light is gone, I get to edit.  I get to say, “squint down and simplify Natasha.”  I get to ask myself, what is most important and how can I do what is most important to the very best of my ability instead of putting in everything and maybe being lucky enough to be adequate?

I am a painter first.  Volunteering, then having the honor of being elected President of PAPNM is now another big shape in my career that is deserving of my very best I have to give.  It is part of my “big picture” and the experience of it will be an enhancement not only to my career, but my life.  Thank you for this amazing privilege. 

We have an incredible Board for 2020 who are excited to work for YOU.  We are stepping in and cycling through, hopefully making PAPNM an organization we can all continue to be proud of.  We are all painters, we are all dues paying members, and we all have the same things to gain or lose by our participation.  This fantastic organization is only as healthy and strong as the volunteers that step up to help and participate.

Here is where YOU come in!  First, you have a few days left to apply to SFPAF, the Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta!  I persuaded John Meister mid year last year to give us one more big gift of leading the SFPAF in 2020.  It’s going to be held a bit earlier this year in order to secure Sorrel Sky as our venue!  We are incredibly fortunate to hold our show there once again.  And if you want to give of a little time, please sign up to volunteer for a role in this event or any other.  Part of my goal for 2020 is to have the volunteer slots be a manageable load and time frame.  More volunteers with less work load so there are many things you can help with even if you are participating in the event!  A win-win!

Let 2020 be YOUR year of vision. See how participation and volunteerism can make your art and your heart grow!  Be a part of the greater good in this amazing, Nationally recognized organization that you love enough to pay your dues to each year.

I am always happy to hear from you.  You can always email me at Please know your email is always read, and it make take a bit to get back to you, but rest assured I will do my best to answer you, or to put you in touch with someone who can better field your question.  And if any of you are interested in volunteering on the Board in some capacity now or in the future, I am happy to know that too!  Hit the ground running and let 2020 be YOUR year of vision!


Natasha Isenhour, President PAPNM


Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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