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May 4-6. Stephanie Hartshorn Workshop

  • 04 May 2018
  • 06 May 2018

     Stephanie Hartshorn               

“I am always looking at things and sensing their history. It’s almost as if I am appreciating it for all its years of service. I’m quietly celebrating its life. As a nod to my previous career in architecture, structural themes often arise in my work. I have always loved the details of design: rhythms and complex beauty in the lines and curves of our manmade and natural worlds.” –Stephanie Hartshorn

Painting the Character of Buildings 

Artist/Teacher: Stephanie Hartshorn
When: May 4-6, 2018
Location: Santa Fe


“It’s always a process…I’m always wanting to explore…wanting more expression.” –Stephanie Hartshorn
Stephanie, having practiced architecture, continues to engage structures as an art form. Learn to enjoy the experience of weaving an image together, staying open to the direction an idea may take, using the dynamic lines and curves of architecture in the landscape to paint the character of buildings. This class is for beginners to intermediate. $275 REGISTER HERE 

Call 505.501.6555 or 970.247.3555 for more information.

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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