Take up the perennial issues of plein air painting with PAPNM Master Bill Gallen in the enchanted surroundings of Taos, New Mexico. The workshop will be eight hours per day jam packed with provoking thoughts. We will investigate the question of, “What’s it About?” and look at color, temperature, value, rhythm and pattern while visiting some favorite locations in and around Taos. Demonstration and critique will be the method of our inquiry.
Bill Gallen currently resides in New Mexico where he enjoys painting landscapes, particularly location pieces. The eye for beauty and harmony in nature, which he developed as a child in the Midwest, informs his work with freshness and sensitivity. Bill studied at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, WI; the Scottsdale Artists School in AZ and the Fechin Institute Taos, NM. He counts Michael Lynch, David Ballew and Matt Smith as among his most influential teachers. He has had many exhibitions, including an homage to Maynard Dixon in 2019. His work is included in collections nationwide.
Class Size limited to15: Price: $350
If you haven't heard, Bill Gallen is now accepting current (7/26/21) participants who have registered including those on the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, the registration page for the workshop will be reopened soon for you to pay. Gallen was able to increase the class registration with the help of award winning artist Cecilia Robertson who will be his teaching assistant. Gallen and Robertson are both excellent instructors and teach similar painting methods.
If you need lodging, PAPNM has negotiated with Taos Valley Lodge to reserve 15 rooms at $69.00 per night, plus tax. Don Fernando Hilton (Josh) has rooms available for King at $109 per night and Queen at $129 per night, plus tax. To book a room contact the Lodge or Hilton and mention 2021 Taos Plein Air and pay directly with a personal credit card. Please reserve rooms no later than August 17 to insure a place. Be aware that this is one of Taos' busiest times of the fall for tourists.
You will receive information on the materials when you register.
Contact Bill Gallen for more information. www.BillGallen.com
Mail information to: PAPNMP. O. Box 20503Albuquerque, NM87154-0503
Mail Payments to:
PAPNM TreasurerPO Box 4612Santa Fe, NM 87502
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