PAPNM Artist, Signature and Master Signature members may participate in the 2023 Summer Skies Online Contest with paintings highlighting the beautiful summer skies and clouds from across the country (ONE painting each, painted "en plein air" during the indicated painting period).
Painting period: June 1 - Sept 10, 2023
Out-of-state members are strongly encouraged to participate.
Members are to upload their summer painting to the
2023 Summer Skies Contest Album
Read the Online Contest Prospectus for full requirements and instructions.
New on 7/18/23: Note that the submitter name visibility issue has been fixed by the PAPNM service provider: the artist will no longer have to provide name AFTER the voting is complete.
Visit Online Contests for a full description of PAPNM Online Contests.
Mail information to: PAPNMP. O. Box 20503Albuquerque, NM87154-0503
Mail Payments to:
PAPNM TreasurerPO Box 4612Santa Fe, NM 87502
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