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Volunteer SIGN UP National Show

  • 31 Aug 2024
  • Online


  • Upload photos provided by CAFE to the PAPNM event album.
  • Shipped paintings are being sent to a Santa Fe UPS store. A Santa Fe volounteer is needed to pick up the paintings when they arrive at the UPS Store and securely store them (unopened) until 8/26. On 8/26 deliver them to the Gallery at 11:00 am.
  • Assist with artwork check in at the Gallery. We will need ensure labels are filled out, etc. This may include processing shipped work.
  • Assist with artwork check in at the Gallery. We will need to ensure labels are filled out, etc. This may include processing shipped work.
  • Take notes and assist the judge while she judges the show. Note: ideally the assistant will not be participating in the show, or is a signature member who is not eligible for awards. Time and date to be determined but most likely the reception date, earlier in the day or the day before. Feel free to email the event chair with questions or for more info.
  • Help prepare for the opening reception at 6-8 pm
  • Figure out what reception food and beverages to buy, where, and bring it to the reception. You will be given a budget for the reception refreshments.
  • Retrieve winning paintings from thier hanging location in gallery and bring to awards stage for winner and judge to hold for photo ops. Then return it to it's place in gallery and make sure Award Ribbon is affixed to the title plate.
    Two people are needed to tag team and keep the award proceedings moving along.
  • Take photos during the opening reception. Mail photos to event website assistant or upload photos to event reception photo album.
  • Record video footage during the opening reception. Provide video to Webmaster for inclusion in the reception album.
  • Stream the Awards Ceremomy on Social Media
  • Check out paintings to artists at the gallery. Includes repackaging and prepating shipped work for return.


Volunteer positions will be listed for you to select once in the registration process. Each position will have a max # with a waitlist . They include positions such as:

Artwork Check-In 
Show Hanging
Opening Reception tasks
Artwork Pickup/Checkout

TO START: Select Register.

TO VIEW your registrations, select the underlined "Already registered" after registering for your first (and subsequent) position. To SIGN UP for ANOTHER position, select "Register" again and then "New registration".

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments  to:  
PAPNM Treasurer
P. O. Box  1948
Santa Fe, NM

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