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Active members of PAPNM have a unique opportunity to be featured in an editorial by Western Art Collector magazine.

A half-page editorial on “State of the Art: New Mexico”; a special section in the MAY issue theme: Art of the Horse, Canyons & Deserts.

PAPNM will submit ideas to the editor. The art director for the magazine will select what art fits best with the story and the space. 

You do not have to paint a horse. You can also submit a canyon or desert painting. You do not have attend the paint out in order to submit an image of your work.

Paint Out on Horse Ranch
March 6-7, 2021

Saturday-Sunday, 10AM-3PM

Saturday 10am - Noon: Quick Draw & Photographs
Saturday Noon - 3pm: Paint
Sunday 10am - 3pm: Paint

Paint the landscape, a barn, a horse or two, it is up to you! You can come both days or just one day.


  1. Wear a mask and social distance
  2. 80% of your work must be done on location, in New Mexico, 20% can be done in the studio
  3. Submit your photographed work (300dpi, max. 6" in. wide to Stephanie West by March 19th
  4. Identify your image in this format: 
  5. Print this MAP (gps will not be correct). We will not be able to leave and get you.
  6. Our host is allowing us to use their indoor restrooms. Please be courteous!
Sign up:  HERE

Stephanie West, Communications Dir., 619-993-9201

Horse Ranch Host:
Mindy Lingnau (only if necessary 505.220.4503) & daughter Tia Bussel (only if necessary 505.363.7482)

Mindy, World Champion Pinto

    Exit 203 from I-40.  On the south side of Interstate 40, proceed to the frontage road and go west on the frontage road.  Stay on the frontage road as it curves to the south.     Proceed south until you come to where there are two cattle guards (one in front of you and one to the left (east)) and the pavement turns back to the west.  At this point, turn east over the east cattle guard onto the dirt road.  Go all the way to the dead end, and it curves right and that becomes the driveway up the hill to the houses and barns.  Turn right into the barn area for instructions on where to park.

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM 

    Mail Payments to: 

    PAPNM Treasurer
    PO Box 4612
    Santa Fe, NM 87502

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