Active members of PAPNM have a unique opportunity to be featured in an editorial by Western Art Collector magazine. A half-page editorial on “State of the Art: New Mexico”; a special section in the MAY issue theme: Art of the Horse, Canyons & Deserts. PAPNM will submit ideas to the editor. The art director for the magazine will select what art fits best with the story and the space. You do not have to paint a horse. You can also submit a canyon or desert painting. You do not have attend the paint out in order to submit an image of your work. | Paint Out on Horse Ranch
Exit 203 from I-40. On the south side of Interstate 40, proceed to the frontage road and go west on the frontage road. Stay on the frontage road as it curves to the south. Proceed south until you come to where there are two cattle guards (one in front of you and one to the left (east)) and the pavement turns back to the west. At this point, turn east over the east cattle guard onto the dirt road. Go all the way to the dead end, and it curves right and that becomes the driveway up the hill to the houses and barns. Turn right into the barn area for instructions on where to park.