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2017 Member Show Awards

Best of Show: Total value $4,680.00 Peter Grab “Snow On The Sangres”

Best of Artist Members: Total value $2,675.00 Jason Sacran, “Super Moon, Novenber 2016”
Best of Signature Members: Total value $3,150.00 Thomas Wezwick. “Winter On The Gallinas River”

Award of Excellence: Watercolor or Acrylic: Total value $841.00 Val Mouttet, “Coffee Cats”
Award of Excellence: Pastel: Total value $826.00 Nancy Silvia, “Near The White Place”
Award of Excellence: Oil: Total value $851.00 Damien Gonzales, “West From Rincon Foothills”
Award of Excellence: Architecture: Total value $830.00 Emmy Savage, “Ghosts: Maria Baca Wildlife Refuge III”

Jeffery Potter Memorial Award. Total value $580.00 Lisa Flynn  “Trampas Adobe”
Louisa McElwain Memorial Award, Total value $582.00 Kathleen Elsey, “Taos Mountain Meadow”

Honorable Mention: Pastel. Total value $440.00 Virginia Unseld,  “Cliffs of Shining Stone”
Honorable Mention: Oil. Total value $434.00 Tom Blazier, “Canjilon Canyon”
Honorable Mention #1.  Total value $256.00 Cecilia Robertson, “Grace in The Desert”
Honorable Mention #2.  Total value $250.00 Cheryl Koen, “Backdoor Sunrise”

Artist Choice award. Total value $310.00 Tobi Clement “When Day Greets Night”

Album of Awards

<< All album photos 14/14 photos
(sold) Artist Choice, Tobi Clement, Day Greets Night, pastel, 14x11

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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