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A Celebration of Summer Art Events
July 2 - Aug 31

Exhibits at the Fechin House and the E. L. Blumenschein Museum. 

Paintout on the grounds of the historic studios of Taos.

Schedule Highlights:

July 2 - Aug 4:     Fechin Juried Members Small Works Show (10 - 5 pm). prospectus

Aug 6,7,10: Pick up unsold paintings from the Fechin Show. 1-4 pm

July 16-21:          Wild Rivers Plein Air Festival - Separate and independent show
July 24, 25, 26:    Historic Studios Paint Out
July 27 - Aug 31: Paint Out Show at the Blumenschein Museum prospectus

Aug 31: Pick up unsold paintings from the Blumenschein Show, 11 am - 4 pm.

July 27 3-5 pm:   Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony as the Blumenschein Museum

Judge of Awards

Fechin Small works and the Blumenschein Paintout shows

Louis Escobedo

Fechin Juried Small Works Show

PAPNM Members: Application for the Juried Show through CaFE has ended.  

Taos Art Museum at Fechin House

Opening Reception - Saturday July 6, 2-4 pm

Exhibition - July 2 - Aug 4, 2019, 10 am - 5 pm

227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, PO Box 1848
Taos, New Mexico 87571
(575) 758-2690

Historic Studios Event: Paintout and Show

This historic studios’ event is a cooperative effort between PAPNM and the historic studios and museums, Taos Art Museum at Fechin House, the Blumenschein Museum and the Couse-Sharp Historic Site.

PAPNM Artist, Signature and Master Signature Members may register until the 50 person maximum is reached. See the prospectus for details about painting restrictions and delivery. Fees are also provided there:

Excerpt: Retrieval: All unsold paintings must be picked up 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday August 31. All unclaimed paintings will become the property of PAPNM and will be disposed of as the board sees fit.

Closed: 2019 Taos Plein Air: Historic Sutdios Event and Paintout-

Closed: Sign-up           

Historic Studios Paintout: July 24, 25, 26        

Paintout Locations:

>E.L. Blumenschein Museum - 222 Ledoux Street 575 758-0505
>La Hacienda De Los Martinez 708 Hacienda Way 575 758-1000
>The Couse-Sharp Historic Site 146 Kit Carson Road 575 751-0369
>Taos Art Museum at Fechin House - 227 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte 575-758-2690

Registered participants will paint on the grounds of these historic museums and studios. (new) Registration packets and panel stamping will only be available at the Fecin House.  All sites will offer water and information to painters. Painters may paint on any of the grounds any day, gates will be open at 8 am. In addition, on Wednesday, Taos Art Museum at Fechin House will have a still life set-up for those interested in pursuing a “Fechin inspired” still life.

Additional UPDATES for Registered Paint Out Artists: 

7/25 Update From Dick Wimberly:

Intrepid painters,

  Tomorrow morning -Thursday, July 25 -the Fechin will open at 9am. For those of you who have not signed in, we be there a little before 9 to give you your packet and stamp panels.

You can still receive panel stamping at Couse-Sharp and Blumenschein from artists stationed there. They should have a stamping sign displayed. Tomorrow we will have a box for wet painting dropoff at Fechin for those who have to leave early.

Some artists have directly asked if they have to paint only at the locations. No. The paintouts were set up to honor these famous Taos artists and their historic studios. Go with your heart, what should you paint to honor Fechin, Course, Sharp, Blumenschein and other Taos artists? Do good art. Do great paintings. And  I have already seen great paintings produced today. It makes me thrilled to be a part of this event. 

Previous Updates:

Due to demand we have early turn in of wet paintings on Friday at the Blumenschein Museum from 12- 4 pm, Then the official turn in of wet paintings is from 4-6 pm. Show will be hung that night. Then Saturday morning, the 27th, the show will be judged by Louis Escobedo with the reception that afternoon 3-5 pm. 

New as of 7/22: taosparking.pdf:

Locations and Parking


All registration and packet pickup has been moved to the Fechin House Museum!!

Couse Sharp Historic site is offering 1-1/2 hour guided tours Wed at 10, Th. At 11, & Fri.  at 10  they want reservations to have us partake of this offer. If interested email to secure reservations …ASAP

Taos Art Museum at Fechin HouseThere is plenty of parking here.  It would be best to park in the gravel lots near the front of the property. Just a short walk to the gardens. 

The Couse-Sharpe Historic Site There is a nice sized Free City Parking Lot just east of the site on Kit Carson Road.  The parking lot at the museum is quite small and would best be left for tourists and handicapped parking.  There may be other free parking spots on side streets near by.

E.L. Blumenschein Home and Museum There is very limited parking near here.  We recommend artists get together beforehand and work out carpooling arrangements and dropping off those less able to walk long distances.  Most lots near here are private and threaten tow away. 

Hacienda de los Martinez: The Martinez Hacienda is just off State Road 240, (Ranchitos Road). You can find Ranchitos Road on the Taos Walking Map supplied to you.  Look for the number 24 on the map for Hacienda de los Martinez. Simply follow the winding road through the Taos countryside following the occasional brown and white signs pointing the way to the Hacienda.  The last one being at Hacienda Way.  The site is just a hundred yards off State Road 240. 

It can also be reached by turning West off State Road 68, (Paseo del Pueblo Sur) at the light in Los Ranchos de Taos onto State Road 240 and following the winding and picturesque road a couple of miles to Hacienda Way. Look for the brown and white signs pointing the way.  

There is ample parking at the site.      

Historic Studios Show - Paintings from the Paint Out: July 27 - Aug 31


Exhibit of 50 paintings selected from the Historic Studios Paintout

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony:  July  27, 3 - 5 pm

222 Ledoux Street 
Taos, New Mexico 87571
(575) 758-0505 

Taos Museum Fechin House Grounds


E L Blumenschein Museum Grounds


Couse-Sharp Studios Grounds

directions or getting here

Show Team

Select name to send message.

PAPNM members may have the opportunity to participate in one or more events.  
Not a member? Select Join Us to be eligible to apply or participate.

(Due to PAPNM’s 501(c)6 status only PAPNM members are allowed to exhibit. However, non- members are invited to paint along with us at the Paint Outs on July 24, 25, 26.)

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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