Thank you ALL for your participation in this invitational exhibition for PAPNM. On behalf of PAPNM, we would also like to offer our sincere gratitude to Christy Coleman and the Taos Art Museum for making this show possible.
Please RSVP to Natasha Isenhour and to Barbara Coleman as soon as possible, if you haven’t already notified us (select underlined names). Additional details may be available in the Artist Participant Information page - available to masters and signatures only.
Dates of Show April 5, 2022, through May 15, 2022
Delivery of Artwork Wed. and Thurs., March 30-31, 2022(see delivery details below)
Hanging of the Show by the Taos Art Museum
Artist Reception Saturday, April 9, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Last day of Show Sunday, May 15, 2022
Show Comes Down Tues. and Wed., May 17-18, 2020
Art Retrieval Deadline Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17-18, 2022
Each artist is invited to select one piece for the exhibit. This will be a truly unique and exciting show in one of New Mexico’s most treasured historic locations! You may submit a studio or plein air painting, your medium of choice, up to 18”x24”.
It is possible that we may be able to take a second piece per artist depending on the number participating. Of course, if a painting sells you will be welcome to replace it during the run of the exhibition. All paintings must be framed or gallery wrapped and wired for museum hanging. We will need your painting (or any replacements due to sales) through the entire run of the exhibition.
The commission split for this show is: 50% Artist, 40% Taos Art Museum, 10% PAPNM. Those of you who are not able to hand-deliver your painting will be required to cover the cost of shipping to and from the Museum.
Pieces can be hand delivered or shipped directly to the museum to arrive by Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at:
Taos Art Museum at Fechin House
227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Taos, NM 87571
Please select to download the Shipping Label and the Back of Art Label for shipping your artwork and for attaching to the back of your piece (respectively).
The museum has a vault where the paintings can be stored until the show is hung, but they need to be able to identify it as part of our show.
They can accept hand delivered paintings by drop-off between 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, March 30-31, 2022. If you need to deliver a piece outside of those hours, please call Christy Coleman at 575-758-2690 to arrange it. Those of you who are not able to hand-deliver your painting, will be required to cover the cost of shipping to and from the Museum.
Please email a Digital JPG Image of your artwork (at least 1200 pixels on the longest side) and the Artist Information Sheet (including the artwork information) to Barbara Coleman at
We will use it for the wall nameplates and for promotion of the show.
There will be an Opening Artist’s Reception on Sat., April 9, 2022 from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM. Please plan to attend if you can and invite your friends, family, collectors, etc. to see what promises to be a very nice show. Any promotion of the show that each of you can do is greatly appreciated! I will send out a digital postcard that can easily be sent out by email or put onto social media in March.
We will contact you should your art sell during the show. Due to the length of the show and visitor origin, those purchasing artwork will be allowed to take it with them or have it shipped. You will be given the opportunity to replace your “empty spot” with another piece of art. (Commission Split: 50% Artist, 40% Taos Art Museum, 10% PAPNM)
Unsold artwork will need to be picked up by Tues or Wed May 17-18, 2022 11:00 AM-4:00 PM. If you need to make other arrangements, please call Christy Coleman at 575-758-2690. Those of you who shipped artwork will be notified of return shipping arrangements.