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2022 Signs of Spring Contest

The paintings voted the 1st and 2nd Favorites are:

1st Place: #13, Spring Thaw by Daniel Marshall

2nd Place: #14, Taos Spring by Madina Croce

The Five Runners-up are:

 #4 Hollyhock Shapes by Suzanne Schleck
 #8. Spring Greens and Violet by Carole Belliveau
 #9. The Hawthorns Are Blooming by Liz Bartlett Culp
 #16 Blooming Cactus by Erik Speyer
 #20. Appletree Garden

Details: 2022 Signs of Spring Online Contest

Artist submitter name is now visible when image is enlarged (upper right under the submission date) even if not in the caption.

All album photos 3|35 photos
Uploaded 08 May 2022 | Eileen Keller
3. Eileen Keller Briones Park Wildflowers
9x12 Oil
Martinez, California

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