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2024 Paint New Mexico!

Paint Out in New Mexico: May 10 - May 23

Exhibition: June 7 - June 23 Weems Gallery in Albuquerque

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony: June 7, 5 - 7 pm


Album of Paintings


(Note: if your painting is not showing up, please make sure you sent your images to Gwen)


2024 Paint New Mexico! is a juried plein air event open to artist members of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico.  Artists will be juried into the show based on a body of plein air work produced within the past two years. During the days of this plein air event, artists may paint plein air anywhere within the state of New Mexico. One painting from the event may be exhibited at  the Weems Gallery and Framing in Albuquerque.  There will be prizes and awards presented on June 7, 2024. 

PAPNM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of artists dedicated to preserving and promoting painting "en plein air" - in the open air or outdoors.

Weems Gallery & Framing
5935 Wyoming Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Detailed Event Schedule 

  • Feb 24 - Call to Entry starts
  • Mar 9 -   Call to Entry closes
  • April 2 -  Artist Notification of Jury selection by email
  • April 15 - Participation fee of an additional $15.00 due to PAPNM. This fee is for those artists juried into the event.
  • May 1 - Co-op Advertising deadline for Plein Air Magazine
  • May 10- May 23 - Event painting period anywhere in New Mexico
  • May 23-24, 10-3 pm. Drop off work to Weems Gallery, with required timeline photos of the submitted painting being painted on location emailed as in the prospectus. See prospectus for details.
  • May 25 - Shipped work must be received by May 25 with required timeline photos of the submitted painting being painted on location emailed as in the prospectus.  Artists must provide a return shipping label if they are shipping artwork to the show. See prospectus for details.
  • June 7- Show opens
  • June 7 3 pm. Demo by Judge, Paul Murray. Jump to demo
  • June 7  -  Opening Reception/Awards Ceremony 5 - 7 p.m.
  • June 23 - Show Closes
  • June 24, 10-3 pm - Unsold artwork to be picked up by artists and shipped artworks return shipped to artists


    This call is for all current PAPNM artist and student members working in two-dimensional mediums, excluding photography and digital media.  PAPNM Signature and Master Signature Members are not eligible for this event. This is a great opportunity for PAPNM Artist members to participate in a juried plein air event and continue building their reputations and resumes as fine artists. Come join us!

    PAPNM Membership must be current for this year with dues paid in full before submitting to the call for entry for the exhibition.

      If not a PAPNM member, to join, click Join Us

    How to Apply

    1. All applicants must register online CaFÉ™, If this link does not work, use Be sure your account is fully current when you apply. Don't wait to the last minute  as  CaFÉ™ is closed on the weekends and will not be available to fix any mistakes.
    2. FEE: $30 for four images uploaded to CaFÉ™. An additional $25 will be due later from those artists selected for the event. 
    3. Prospectus: Prospectus

    Judge of Awards - Paul Murray


    Best of Show International Pastel Society

    Demo by Paul Murray

    June 7 - 3 pm Weems Gallery


    Damien Gonzales PAPNM Signature Member

    Best of Show PAPNM 2015 Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta

    Richard Prather OPA, PAPNM Master Signature Member

    Best of Show PAPNM 2013 Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta

    Clive Tyler AIS Signature Member, PAPNM Master Signature Member

    Honorable Mention PAPNM 2016 Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta 

    Event Team

    Select team member's name to send a message. Visit the Directories' pages to see all board members and chairs or other members.

    Event Chair and Past President

    CaFE Administrator

    Membership Director

    Communications Director


    Fundraising Director

    Website Painting Album

    Mail information to:
    P. O. Box 20503
    Albuquerque, NM

    Mail Payments to: 
    PAPNM Treasurer
    P.O. Box  1948
    Santa Fe, NM

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software