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Outdoor Painter Artist Spotlight over the Years

12 Sep 2024 11:07 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

Outdoor Painter Artist Spotlight

new Karen Halbert: 

Sept 11, 2024: for this text and all images.

How did you get started and then develop your career?
Karen Halbert: On 9/11, faced with the magnitude of the catastrophe, I had to make a difficult decision: do I continue working under stressful circumstances, at NYSE in NYC? Or do I imagine a new life concentrating on another passion: painting. Painting won. In one of the many classes I took, an inspiring instructor showed me how he used the golden spiral. I was now hooked. Then I retired early.

First we moved to Woodstock and I came across a book by Albert Handell on painting in Woodstock and Santa Fe. We decided to move to Santa Fe and the rest is history. I have been a student of Albert’s and other artists in this artist-rich community since moving here and have found that I can combine my love of Mathematics and painting, especially via research into Dynamic Symmetry used by artists over the millennia. As a former college professor of Mathematics, I decided to begin doing workshops. This year I will do a combined Weekend Dual Workshop with Albert at the Bluebird Studios in Santa Fe on Nov 9 and 10: “A right-brain approach to painting and a left-brain approach to Composition and Dynamic Symmetry”. My life has come full circle.

Note that Karen has been the PAPNM webmaster since 2012 - and is the current News' Coordinator.

Carole Belliveau:

May 25, 2023:

Michele Byrne:

Jul 13, 2022:

June 7, 2021:

Barbara Coleman:

Dec 13, 2021:

Cynthia Inson:

Sept 13, 2023:

Carolyn Lindsey:

Lee MacLeod

July 12, 2023:

Dec 7, 2022:

Dec 6, 2021:

Nancy Silvia:

If you are a PAPNM member and you had an artist spotlight in the Outdoor Painter, please let the "news" chair know:

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Albuquerque, NM

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PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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