From Anita:
ARTISAN ART SUPPLY WEDNESDAY MORNING CLASSES: Classes are in full swing. Demonstrating the four mediums of watermedia, pastel, oil and waterbased oils, Participants can paint in any medium and get help at the easel. We explore the basic elements of art and principles of design in creating paintings. In addition to signing up for all 4 weeks, you can now choose which days you want to attend. Sign up early as these fill up quickly. https://www.calendar.artisansantafe.com/
ARTISAN DRAWING WORKSHOP: I will be teaching a three hour hands-on workshop in the basics of drawing. Many of us missed the discipline of line, values, shapes and textures. These BASICS were overlooked or dismissed as no longer needed. In my experience of art making, I find the stronger the drawing is the better the result. Even with abstract work, decisive mark making is essential. https://www.calendar.artisansantafe.com/
ARTISTIC LICENSE GALLERY IN ELDORADO : Come and see my art work here. I will be working a few hours each month. Just check with me if you want to meet me there. We are located in the Agora shopping center near the Agora Market.
SHOW AT ELDORADO LIBRARY: I have my work at the public library for the month of August.
ALAMOGORDO 3 DAY PLEIN AIR WORKSHOP OCTOBER 12,13 & 14, 2023. This is a wonderful opportunity to paint White Sands, and desert and mountains in one location. I have been drawn to this area many times. The workshop has a limit of 10 participants and will fill quickly. To sign up send a message to Janet Amtmann here.
RAILYARD ARTISAN MARKET: Sundays and Tuesdays at the Farmers Market I will be showing and selling my work at this market as space open up. I am looking forward to showing and selling my new work.
I look forward to seeing you soon and renewing our mutual art journey.
Send a message to Anita here .