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PAPNM President's Message March 2021

28 Feb 2021 7:00 PM | Phyllis Gunderson (Administrator)

Good morning members, sponsors and benefactors of PAPNM.  I hope this note finds you and yours healthy, happy and painting our beautiful American landscape. With the weather changing, I would hope to see more of us getting out to capture the beauty that is uniquely ours.  Of course we will follow the guidance from the New Mexico Department of Health guideline as we do in all of our events.  

I would like to update you on just a few of the things your energetic Board and other volunteers are working on your behalf.  If you would like to join us in working our activities, drop me or one of the board members an email. 

We have three events in the works for 2021.  If you would like to add your wonderful talent and energy, please contact your Events Director, Beth Ming Cooper  (

  • Jemez Non-Juried Members Paint Out and Show hosted by Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM from April 24 - May 7, 2021.  Our event co-leaders Wendy Alhm and Susan Nichols have arranged a wonderful paint out and event.  In addition there will be a workshop put on by our very own and talented Signature member,  Tobi Clement. Check out the details on the website "Hot Springs, Cool Town" Non-Juried Paint Out and Show in Jemez Springs.  There are still spaces left.  It promises to be a wonderful event.
  • Taos Plein Air "Painting the Enchanted Circle" Juried Members Paint Out and Show.  The opening is September 25, 2021 at the Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Gallery in Taos New Mexico.  Call for entry should be in June. Save the Date: Taos Plein Air "Painting the Enchanted Circle" Juried Paint Out and Show  Our chairs for this event are Beth Cooper, Beth May, Suzanne Schleck, Susan Brown and Dick Wimberly.  Watch this space!
  • 13th National Juried Members Exhibition at the Sorrel Sky Gallery in Santa Fe with an opening on October 29, 2021.  Save the Date: 13th National Juried Members Exhibition Call for entry should be in June. The chairs are Carole Belliveau, Lee MacLeod, Kat Hansen  and Beth Cooper.

We have started up PAPNM sponsored Paint Outs.  Contact Beth Cooper if you want to host one in your area.  Remember that our planning and registration is in accordance with current NM state health department regulations.

A reminder to register for our Winter Wonderland Online Contest 2021 Winter Wonderland Contest . Entry closes on March 10, 2021.  Get your beautiful work uploaded.

Our Communications Director, Stephanie West has a wonderful advertising plan in place.  We will be focusing our advertising dollars on Plein Air Magazine, Western Art Collector, Southwest Art, New Mexico Magazine and Taos News.

Vice President Carole Belliveau in partnership with Membership Director Jane Frederick have sent out welcome notes to our new members.  If you see our new members out and about on the byways, say hello.  A warm welcome to new members: Bryant Bullard, Charles Coutret, Sally Delap-John, Jan Marie DeLipsey, Gwen Ethelbah, Sandra Heller, Doug Hemler, Cynthia Inson, Leah Jeffcoat, Julie Kennelly, Tina Little, Ellen Marshall, Teri Smith, Kevin Weckbach!

New offerings…

  • Paint Out Stories Paint Out Stories. Our team has started to collect and publish stories from our members.  There are a couple posted.  Check them out.  Get involved and add your story and perspective.
  • Coming soon is the Plein Air Cafe - casual chat for members.  This new and innovative activity is the brain child of Beth Cooper will be the 2nd Wednesday of each month on a Zoom call.  Watch the website for the premier. 
  • Stephanie West and Wendy Ahlm will be sharing information about PAPNM and the Jemez Paint Out and Show on KRQE TV's New Mexico Living show. The segment will air the first week in March. 
  • We now have the ability to accept cash donations online in addition to those that are associated with a show.  You can direct potential donors to our page  ( to make a non-tax deductible gift to the organization.  We will use those donations in accordance with regulations governing our 501c(6) status to support on events, publicizing the organization and the furtherance of the practice of Plein Air painting.
  • Jane Frederick has put a membership card on each of your profiles for you to print out.
  • New How To Video links are now being posted on the website.  This will be a valuable resource for not only our newer painters, but also our veterans to see how different setups work in the field.  Check out and subscribe to our You Tube channel: 
  • Interested in Plein Air Live?  Sign up from our home page 

Again, wishing you health and creativity as you go forth to interpret the beauty of New Mexico and other state landscapes as Plein Air painters.

Best Regards, 

Phyllis Gunderson, President

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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