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March 2024 President's Message

17 Mar 2024 1:23 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

President’s Message

March 10. 2024

Welcome to Spring! Just as Southern France has the Mistral and California has the Santa Ana, our New Mexico spring winds deserve a name of their own. Whatever we call them, they sweep away winter and herald the arrival of spring. And fittingly, "the winds of change" are blowing through PAPNM.

We welcome seven remarkable new Board members, each bringing valuable skills and dedication. Our Board is akin to those top students who carry group projects, ensuring success for all. We've fostered camaraderie, trust, and a sense of fun, collaborating on initiatives to better serve you, our members. As one small, but time-consuming example of their commitment, this last month each Board member learned how to create and manage our operating budget, akin to mastering personal finances. It is empowering! Team building within PAPNM’s Board feels like being part of a winning sports team - we support, enhance, and uplift each other. Our team also includes our incredible event chairpersons. We are hosting five shows and events this year, so look on the PAPNM website and check your inbox for news, and for this newsletter, helmed by Chris Miller! I want to thank and acknowledge Nancy Davis, Chris Miller, Sheila Galvan, Donna Barnhill, Deb Fowler, Reid Bandeen, Katherine Gauntt, Gwen Ethelbah, Karen Halbert, Alma Rosa Delgado, Maria Elena Theye, Rachel Pearson, Dick Wimberly, Phyllis Gunderson, Jane Frederick, Lynn Murray and Anita Blythe. We have the support and encouragement of a cadre of our past Board members and past presidents too. Thank you, all.

My vision for PAPNM revolves around empowerment, community, growth, and friendship, epitomized in our new Paint-Alongs. These sessions, a long-held dream of mine, foster a culture of learning and support among members of all skill levels. The Paint-Alongs are all about developing our skills through practice, experience, and mentoring.

Our upcoming plein air events, including the inaugural "Paint New Mexico!" and Los Alamos Plein Air promise exciting opportunities to showcase talent. Our national show will be hosted at Legends of the West Fine Art, as well as a brand new juried, small works show this December, entitled “Winter Light”. Yet unscheduled, but highly anticipated, is our invitational show for our Master and Signature members at Taos Art Museum at Fechin House.

Along the lines of empowering our volunteers and Board, I invited Phyllis Gunderson to create and present an event training seminar. 3x3 Event Seminars. Register and find out more about it on the PAPNM website. Next session is on Zoom on March 16, beginning at 10am. Phyllis Gunderson is a treasure trove of experience, expertise, and good ideas, and we are grateful to her for sharing her time and gifts so generously with PAPNM.

I wish you a happy painting season filled with passion and time to paint, artistic growth, and contentment.

Barbara Coleman

President, PAPNM

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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