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Sign Up - Jemez Springs Workshop with Barbara Coleman

  • 23 Apr 2019
  • 9:00 AM
  • 25 Apr 2019
  • 4:00 PM
  • Jemez Fine Art Gallery
  • 1


  • Workshop by Barbara Coleman, 2019 Jemez Springs Paintout & Show

Open to non-members as of Apr 1.
Registration is closed

Workshop Opportunity

As a bonus, Barbara Coleman, the Judge of Awards for the 2019 Jemez Springs Non-juried Paintout and Show, will be offering a three-day workshop.

pdf version: Barbara Coleman Workshop.pdf


"Pond Up North" 10"x12" oil, Barbara Coleman,
Best of Show 2018 PAPNM National Exhibition


Design Your Paintings with Value, Light and Shadow with Barbara Coleman

DATES AND PRICING     4/23/2019—4/25/2019

                                         9:00am to 4:00pm

LOCATION                     Jemez Springs, New Mexico
                                       United States


CONTACT                     Barbara Coleman

Join national award winning artist, Barbara Coleman, for a three day workshop in stunning Jemez Springs, NM. Taking place before the PAPNM 2019 Jemez Springs Paintout & Show, Barbara will cover topics to strengthen your skills in capturing beauty and design from the landscape. This workshop will hone your ability to design compositions, observe color, and create value relationships, which are essential to making  compelling paintings. 

Workshop Will Include: 

  • Learning to see the five types of light (identified by the artist John Singer Sargent) to capture form through light and shadow. You will understand which type of light you are painting in, allowing you to see color and value relationships more accurately.
  • "Color gets all the credit and Value does all the work." Learn to see, design and create strong value plans to strengthen your composition.
  •  Color gets its due credit! Learn to see values within color, and paint beautiful color according to your value plans. 

These concepts will be taught through daily lecture and demonstrations. Students will be given a series of exercises to see and practice these ideas. We will meet at Jemez Fine Art Gallery, 17346 Hwy. 4, Jemez Springs, NM each morning to begin our adventures..

"Raking Light at Ghost Ranch",18"x 24", oil, Barbara Coleman
For ongoing updates see: the Workshop with Barbara Coleman page. 

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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