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Plein Air Convention and Expo Santa Fe NM

PACE22 Expo Hall FINAL.jpegAbout

PACE Juried Members Exhibition is a juried exhibition and sale of original two-dimensional en plein air artworks presented by the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) at the Plein Air Convention and Expo hosted by Plein Air Magazine at the Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder Hotel.

Convention: May 17-21

to attend the conference or a pass to volunteer at the booth 

Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder
30 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87506

Album of Juried Work 

Press Release


PACE-PAPNM Artist Faculty:

Demos and Field Help

  • Joe Anna Arnett (Lifetime Achievement Award: Tues, 4 pm)

  • Michele Byrne (Demo-Wed: 2:20 pm)

  • Albert Handell (Demo-Wed:2:20 pm)

  • Natasha Isenhour (Demo-Thurs: 2:20 pm)

  • Michael Chesley Johnson (Demo-Wed: 8 pm)

  • Spike Ress (Demo-Wed:2:20 pm)

  • Richie Vios - Demo (Wed: 8:30 am)

View the full Agenda here and check for any updates.

Advice to Visitors: Joe Anna Article


• This call is for all current PAPNM members working in two-dimensional mediums. Please note this does not include digital art.

• PAPNM members of the following levels are eligible for this event: Artist Members, Signature Members, Master Signature Members.

• PAPNM Master Signature Members will receive a separate email invitation from the exhibition committee and need not apply through Call for Entry (CaFÉTM) nor pay entry fees.

• PAPNM Membership for 2022 must be current with dues paid in full before submitting to the call for entry for the exhibition. To join, visit, and click !Join Us” in the top menu. Follow the instructions for member application or renewal and payment.


Open CaFÉ™ ( 02/14/22

Close CaFÉ™:  03/31/2022

Notifications to artists:  4/22/2022

Shipped work to be received at TBD: 5/13/2022. Special instruction to be mailed to participating artists

Hand Delivered work: 5/16/2022 9am to 1pm and 5/17/2022 9am to 11am

Pick up of unsold work by artists: 05/21/22 - 05/22/2022

Payments to artists from PAPNM: 6/22/2022


• PAPNM has the right to refuse or disqualify any work that fails to meet eligibility, entry and exhibition requirements.

• PAPNM, their agents, and volunteers or anyone working on the exhibition will be held responsible for any loss or damage to artwork and insurance is the responsibility of the artist.

Jurors of Entry

Lorenzo Chavez, Jane Hunt

Event Team

Select name to send a message.

Co-Chair and President

Team Member and Historian

Co-Chair and Events Director

Team Member and Secretary

Team Member, Membership, and EDU Director

Team Member and Communications Director

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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