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Juried PAINTOUT Competition and Show
april 28 - May 18, 2018

Paintout Competition: Apr 28 - May 2, 2018

Exhibition: May 3 - 18, 2018


HONORABLE MENTION, "Round the Bend", Nora Larimer
HONORABLE MENTION, "Pedernal Cholla", John Meister
HONORABLE MENTION, "New Mexico Mood", Celia Robertson
HONORABLE MENTION ON PAPER, "Rio Chama Afternoon", Kathy Irish
OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE, "Harmonica Blues", Sharon Bamber
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE ON PAPER, "Spanish Queen, Jemez", Theresa Beck
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE OIL/ACRYLIC, "Rito Alamitos", Richard Abraham
THRID PLACE, "The Ruins at Pecos", Mat Barber Kennedy
SECOND PLACE, "Midday", Carolyn Lindsey
BEST OF SHOW, "The Gauging Station", Lyn Boyer

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Award Winning Paintings

The Gaging Station
Lyn Boyer
SIZE: 16" x 8"
PRICE: $1,250

Highly Recommended Article by Lyn Boyer: 8 Seconds.  On the Oil Painters of America blog

Catalog, photos, video and article

Show Catalog and Awards

video/  Live Facebook video of the opening by Steve Immel 

Opening Night Photos photos by Douglas Maahs on Flickr

2018_SantaFean_Ad.pdf (SantaFean printable ad )

INVITED Artist Information

Artist Packet (visible to participating artists only)

Participating Artists Page  (visible to participating artists only)

2018 SFPAF Schedule

Judge of Awards

Stephen Day, "Color Notes of Evening", 30x40.

Stephen Day's artist page  on

Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta Co-chairs

Click on name to send message/email. 

Scheduled Paintout Locations*

Members and the public are invited to paint alongside or watch the participants at the hosted paint outs. Please be mindful that the participants are involved in a competition and are focused on their work. Some are able to be more social than others while painting, so please respect their time and space.

See Calendar button (also in the menu at the top of the website) to find these events with details and maps.

Saturday, Apr 28:    Orilla Verde Recreation Area (along the Rio Grande)

Sunday, April 29:   Rio Chama River downstream of the Abiquiu Dam

Monday, April 30:   Los Luceros

Tuesday, May 1:      Santa Fe Railyard Park & Marketplace 

Wednesday, May 2: Diablo Canyon 

Participating artists may paint anywhere within the Paintout Zone.

Panels may be stamped at any of the scheduled Paintout Locations (usually 8-10).

Paintout Zone

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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