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A cooperative effort between the PAPNM and the Taos historic studios and museums;  Taos Art Museum at Fechin House, The Blumenschein Museum, The Couse-Sharp Historic Site and the Wilder Nightingale Fine Arts Gallery. 

Paintings to honor the spirit of these historic studios and the artists who helped build this great art colony.  80% plein air, painted north of I-40 in New Mexico in 2018-2010.

TWO Summer Art Events 

Historic Studios Online Exhibition

Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Gallery
Jul 17-Aug 17



award winners commentary

Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Gallery

Juried Members Online Exhibition

E.L. Blumenschein Museum
Jul 18-Aug 30

E.L. Blumenschein Museum

Judge of Awards

Lyn Boyer: Juried Members and Historic Studios Shows

Workshop by Lyn Boyer:

July 10-12

Download flyer here

Sign up here (complete)

Judge of Awards

Richard Alan Nichols: Historic Studios Show


  • June 1 Applications Open
  • July 10 Entry deadline 
    (extended to July 10 for Historic Studios Online Exhibition)

  • July 10, 12 Workshop by Lyn Boyer (new dates)
  • June 28  Notification of jury selection for the Juried Members Exhibition
  • July 17 (Friday) Historic Studios Show opens online
  • July 17- August 17 (new end date) Historic Studios Show
  • July 18  (Saturday) Juried Members Exhibition opens online
  • July 18 - August 30 Juried Members Exhibition

Show Team

Select name to send message.

Pandemic Online Shows

The events have shifted to online shows.

There will be no group paintouts or opening receptions.

Social distancing guidelines and masks are mandated throughout the state of New Mexico. Further details will be updated for artists as changes emerge.

We are in an evolving situation, but here's what I'm are hoping for; that we become a better, kinder and stronger group of people.

Dick Wimberly, 2020 Taos Plein Air Event Chair

Notes and Updates for Artists

The same painting may not be entered into both Taos exhibitions.

You may enter a painting from a PAPNM 2018-20 show in the non-juried Historic Studios Exhibition if it did not win an award in that show.

You may enter 2018-20 Online Contest paintings (including the 2020 Spring Contest) into either exhibition if the paintings meet the respective prospectus requirements (with the proviso that the same painting cannot be entered in both exhibitions.).

Taos Walking Map

Select map to print or view in separate window.

(Due to PAPNM’s 501(c)6 status only PAPNM members are allowed to exhibit. )

PAPNM members may have the opportunity to participate in one or more events.  
Not a member? Select Join Us to be eligible to apply or participate.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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