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We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Beth Cooper. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Beth below.
Someone once told me “no,” and that turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me! The story of Bluebird Studio is part of a plan that developed slowly over many years and finally came to fruition in 2022. We moved to Santa Fe in early 2018 after living in Denver for 30 years. We owned a second home in Santa Fe for over a decade and always had in the back of our minds the idea of moving permanently to New Mexico. Although retirement for my husband was years away, we both wanted to find a property where he could have horses and I could pursue my passion for art.
One day, I casually mentioned to a neighbor in Santa Fe that I had an idea for an art workshop space—my exact words were “art barn.” She shook her head and said that won’t work, it’s been tried before and they always fail. As a student of many pastel workshops over a 10-year span, particularly in Santa Fe, I noticed that many of the local spaces were inadequate and didn’t offer a true Santa Fe experience. As a former event planner for a local Congressman in Colorado, I knew I had the skills to put together a successful event space, but I lacked business experience. The “no” I received from that neighbor spurred me into action and challenged me to make my dream a reality. I was like “watch me”!
We searched for years to find the perfect property in the Santa Fe area and eventually decided to purchase a 50-year-old small ranch that needed remodeling from top to bottom. We made an offer, sold our home in Denver, and moved to Santa Fe full-time. I built this business from the ground up with the help of my husband, who is an attorney. I also hired a local business lawyer, a web designer, a business coach, a graphic designer, an architect, and a contractor. Most importantly, we constructed the studio after completing the main house.
Read Full Article here.
2219 NM 68 Rinconada, NM
From PAPNM Member, Linda Santisteven: "This is a late announcement. My life drawing group, the Apodaca Drawing Group, is having a group show, "Nude Years Day", for one afternoon only, on Saturday, January 4, 2025 from 1pm to 4 pm at the Alluvial Gallery in Rinconada.
Each of us will show at least one drawing and at least one piece of our usual medium. There will be oils, pastels, sculptures and probably other media. I will have landscapes, portraits and still lifes, all in oil.
There will be coffee, tea, cookies and fun. If any of you will be up this way, I hope that you can join us!
Enter the rear circle drive through the parking lot of Embudo Valley Vineyards."
Congratulations to Barbara Coleman, new signature member of AIS.
AIS is pleased to announce our newest AIS Signature Members,
a distinction achieved by only 14% of our entire membership.
Signature Members are eligible for additional awards in our exhibitions and to serve as exhibition jurors. They may sign their work with AIS after their name.
AIS has 2,390 members and as of December 15, 2024 we now have 341 AIS Signature Members.
First Show: Manitou Galleries Annual Small Works Show - December 6-31, 2024 Manitou Galleries (Santa Fe) hosts its popular holiday Small Works show each December. These pieces are 12"x16" or smaller and are a great way to collect a piece from a favorite artist. Act quickly by contacting Manitou Galleries if you see something you like - they can go quickly! The Manitou Galleries Small Works show can be viewed online now here. You're invited!!! The show reception is this Friday, December 6 -I hope you can join us!
Second Show:
The Manitou Galleries, 123 W. Palace Ave., Santa Fe, NM
PAPNM Members in the Karen Wray Gallery: Tom Blazier, Jaye Buros, Karen Halbert and Richard Prather
Holiday Show: Dec 6 , 2024 - Jan 4, 2025
Opening Reception: Dec 6, 4-6 pm
1247 Central Ave, Los Alamos
Across the Street from the Bradbury Museum
Convenient Parking in front of the Gallery
Congratulations to PAPNM Members:
Damien Gonzales: BEST OF SHOW.
Congratulations Damien, second year in a row garnering the Best of Show Award!
Cynthia Rosen's, Judge of Awards Statement
"All three of this artist’s works are stand-outs. They all have an elegance rarely found in plein air painting and I could have awarded any of the three ‘Best in Show’.
I chose this work for its incredibly subtle shifts of color which gives the mountain an almost sensuous human feel, albeit in repose.
This particular palette reminds me of the muted colors that harken to Vuillard and Bonnard, an unusual sensibility for plein air.
The darks of the bushes gently weave us through the painting while the lighter ground plane provides for solid footing. This is an ultra-fine painting with almost melodic undertones is rarely seen in a subject of such might."
Lorenzo Chavez: THIRD PLACE
Michele Farrier: AWARD OF MERIT
Carolyn J Lindsey: AWARD OF MERIT
Michele Byrne: AWARD OF MERIT
View the paintings here:
Congratulations to all the PAPNM members juried into this annual show.
From Natasha: "Very honored to be invited to participate in Round Top En Plein Air 2024! Hey Texas peeps, patrons and friends, hope to see you in a couple weeks! Gallery open to the public on the 8th, 11-3!"
Marilyn Wightman's painting, "Water Play" was one of twelve works selected for the Pastel Society of America's Landscape Showcase in the Associate Members Division/
Works by PAPNM Members in the other divisions:
Beautiful Dream - 36” x 24”Katherine Irish PSAPlacitas, NM
Morning Light - 18" x 12" Albert Handell PSA-MP Santa Fe, NM
Tom Blazier: Misty Hills, FIRST PLACE 2024 Encantada! Rio Grande Art Association. Nov 9 - Dec 1. Hispanic Art Gallery, ExpoNM
Tom Blazier, Misty Hills, 30x40, Oil, Standard Works FIRST PLACE
PAPNM Signature Member, Carole Belliveau, was featured in a Plein Air Today's article on 17 Gorgeous Sky Paintings!!
Congratulations, Carole.
From Carole:
"I was surprised and happy to see my plein air painting, Chicoma Mountain under a Blue Sky, featured in Plein Air Today. The painting is available from Breckenridge Gallery in Breckenridge Colorado. "
. Chicoma Mountain Under a Blue Sky
Mail information to:PAPNMP. O. Box 20503Albuquerque, NM 87154-0503
Mail Payments to:
PAPNM TreasurerPO Box 4612Santa Fe, NM 87502
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