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Member News

  • 12 Sep 2022 5:10 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    The Annual "High Road Tour" starts this Saturday Sept 17-18 and 24-25. Looking forward to seeing you at my studio at 5330 St Hwy 518, just a mile north of Sipapu Ski resort. 10:00am-5:00pm.


  • 12 Sep 2022 4:28 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Celebration of Place: Sept 17 - Oct 6
    Sage Creek Gallery, Canyon Road

    Congratulations to PAPNM Members, Cecilia Robertson and Bill Gallen.

    Join us to meet Bill Gallen, John Rasberry, and Cecilia Robertson on Saturday, September 17th. Participating artists will be in the gallery throughout the day to meet community members and share their work. We hope you can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to meet the artists, ask questions, and view their wonderful array of painting styles.


    Well crafted landscapes evoke powerful memories and visceral experiences. Through their use of impactful color and compositions rooted in intimate locations, our participating artists create landscape paintings that express the the thrill of the western landscape. Enjoy this exhibition of all new work and voyage through breathtaking moments throughout the West. What makes each painting special is the extension of the artist’s viewpoint- the interplay of light and emotional content. Join our experienced landscape painters as they share their individual journeys and viewpoints through unforgettable paintings.

  • 12 Sep 2022 6:58 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Katherine Irish, PAPNM Member, is Placitas Artists Series featured artist for 2022-2023.

    She is one of the artists for the September show: Sunday, Sept 18. 2 pm.

    Heading East:

    Note the other PAPNM artists scheduled for this year:

    Reid Bandeen: November

    Linda Heath: February

    Carol Ordogne, Chris Miller, Lisa Avila, Ann Blankenship: May (Plein Air Exhibit Plus)

  • 10 Sep 2022 12:15 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)


    2022 Western Regional Exhibition

    OPA’s 2022 Western Regional Exhibition is being hosted by Southwest Gallery, located in Dallas, Texas, September 10 through October 1, 2022.  The Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, September 10, from 1:00 to 5:00pm with the awards presentation at 4:00pm.

    Congratulations to Albert Handell and Natasha Isenhour for their awards: 

    Albert Handell: Master Division, Bronze Award

    Natasha Isenhour: Associate and Signature Division, Award of Excellence 

    Congratulations to the following PAPNM members for their acceptance into OPS's 2022 Western Regional Exhibition



    Please notify if your entry is missing from this list - AND you are a PAPNM member.

  • 10 Sep 2022 12:00 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    From Natasha Isenhour on Sept 1:

    Yesterday my heart had to say farewell to one of the greatest people I have ever known.  We traveled together, painted together and shared secrets we never imagined sharing with anyone.  We commented repeatedly that we had never had a friend like the other, and it was true.   The world won’t be the same without her in it. 

    Margi Lucena was a private person but her Art spoke loud and clear. She never painted a “thing.”  Instead, she gave you a load of emotion you could feel in your bones. That is a gift people, and not one that can be learned. 

    We would drive down the road in tears over music on the radio during the 1000’s of miles of road-trips we shared. We didn’t have to say a word to each other, we just knew what the other was thinking and respond to that. It was a precious friendship built on the deepest of levels that transcended any disagreements. We knew those would pass, but our value of one another could never be upended. 

    I will cherish her in my heart for the rest of my days.  And I will always look to my friend as a shining example of overcoming and pressing forward regardless, of standing up for anyone who was a victim of wrongdoing, all with that big, open heart that wrapped you in it and carried you along.    

    Nanu Nanu my best buddy.  I’ll see you again. I love you. 


    Read excerpts from a recent article about longtime Signature Artist Member of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, Margi:

    And be sure to watch the uTube Video, Painting New Mexico:

    Excerpts from article:

  • 10 Sep 2022 5:46 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Sample paintings by our PAPNM artists, Lee and Katherine:

    by Lee MacLeod

    Falling Water... by Katherine Irish

  • 09 Sep 2022 10:13 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Congratulations to PAPNM Members invited to participate: Susiehyer and Peggy Immel.

  • 09 Sep 2022 9:59 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    PAPNM Participants: Marilyn Wightman and Bill Meuser

  • 05 Sep 2022 3:20 PM | Stephanie West

    CORRALES, NM — The Southwest Artist Collective’s (SAC) inaugural art show, “Georgia on My Mind,” is open this September in the Corrales Fine Arts Gallery.

    The Show will feature many paintings that are inspired by or painted on location in the Abiquiu area made famous by Georgia O’Keeffe. 

    The SAC members are award-winning painters Stephanie West, Wendy Ahlm, Dick Wimberly, Michael Meyer, Connie Falk, and Carolyn Lindsey. Two 3-D artists, Nigel Wimberly and Rick Hatfield, are also showing their work. Nigel is a ceramicist and Rick will be showing his wooden carvings and beaded mosaics.

    The show will run September 2-30, from 11 am - 5:30 pm every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday during the month. The opening reception is scheduled Saturday, September 17, from 3-6 pm at the gallery, located at Mercado de Maya, 4685 Corrales Road, Suite 4, Corrales, NM.

  • 02 Sep 2022 2:59 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Posted on Facebook by Mary Dempsey Julyan. Thanks.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 
PAPNM Treasurer
P.O. Box  1948
Santa Fe, NM

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