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  • 29 Mar 2022 4:04 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    OPA published an article by Michele on how she uses Dynamic Symmetry. Congratulations. This article has generated a lot of excitement: 

    Full article: Dynamic Symmetry in Paintings

    First few paragraphs:

    DYNAMIC SYMMETRY – And how I incorporate it into my plein air and studio and practice

    Michele Byrne · Mar 14, 2022 · 22 Comments

    We’ve all heard of the Golden Section, Dynamic Symmetry, the rule of thirds and harmonic armatures. And we’ve always been told to do a value study before we start a painting. However, in our rush to get started painting, many of us disregard it all and jump right in to putting brush to canvas.

    Six years ago, I made a pledge to NEVER skip a value study before plein air painting. Soon after, I learned how to design my pieces with a “thrust map” as well. This is a simple 2” study done on a 4”x6” index card with pencil or markers. I indicate the Dominant Vertical (DV), Dominant Horizontal (DH) and Dominant Diagonal (DD). Ideally where all of these lines meet will be my focal point.

  • 15 Mar 2022 6:47 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    PAPNM Master artist, Joe Anna Arnett, did a demo on Art School Live in 2020. You may watch the replay here

  • 22 Nov 2021 9:00 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    It's always good to see how members transitioned from their previous life to plein air painting.  Jack was recently given a Hall of Fame inductee spotlight in the magazine of the Association of Energy Engineers. Please read the attached: pages 17 - 19.

    The article includes: 

    You’re retired, but are you still working? After four decades, I still love the work. So I find time to serve on two Corporate Boards of energy companies. But now I can spend more time on an old passion – Plein Air oil painting. My path to this moment is atypical for either a CEM or a Plein Air Painter. My profound appreciation for our planet gave me the conviction for professional success and now drives my passion for painting.


    Has your lifelong career impacted your creativity in retirement? The passion for preserving resources, and the environment, is not something you turn off. Beginning painting again helps me continue to put a spotlight on that passion. My goal is to create images that reflect the beauty of our environment, my love of mountain landscapes, and hopefully tug at the viewer’s heartstrings just a little bit. I hope my paintings motivate viewers to value and question the environment and energy consumption behavior. If that is the case, I may continue to positively impact the planet in a small way, just as I did as an AEE member.

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