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  • 16 Oct 2022 8:30 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    From Natasha: "Never a dull moment! Thank you Art of the West Magazine for asking me to pen an article talking about “the gift of time” of artist residencies! It was an honor to write it and blows me away to see it in print! Nothing like holding a magazine in your hands ❤️ Nov/Dec 2022 edition."

  • 10 Sep 2022 12:00 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    From Natasha Isenhour on Sept 1:

    Yesterday my heart had to say farewell to one of the greatest people I have ever known.  We traveled together, painted together and shared secrets we never imagined sharing with anyone.  We commented repeatedly that we had never had a friend like the other, and it was true.   The world won’t be the same without her in it. 

    Margi Lucena was a private person but her Art spoke loud and clear. She never painted a “thing.”  Instead, she gave you a load of emotion you could feel in your bones. That is a gift people, and not one that can be learned. 

    We would drive down the road in tears over music on the radio during the 1000’s of miles of road-trips we shared. We didn’t have to say a word to each other, we just knew what the other was thinking and respond to that. It was a precious friendship built on the deepest of levels that transcended any disagreements. We knew those would pass, but our value of one another could never be upended. 

    I will cherish her in my heart for the rest of my days.  And I will always look to my friend as a shining example of overcoming and pressing forward regardless, of standing up for anyone who was a victim of wrongdoing, all with that big, open heart that wrapped you in it and carried you along.    

    Nanu Nanu my best buddy.  I’ll see you again. I love you. 


    Read excerpts from a recent article about longtime Signature Artist Member of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, Margi:

    And be sure to watch the uTube Video, Painting New Mexico:

    Excerpts from article:

  • 27 May 2022 12:42 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    "White Dove (Peace Dove)," acrylic on board, 10 x 10 in. — Judith Howells

    PAPNM member, Judy Howells, has organized a Colors for Ukraine exhibition with the  Martha's Vineyard Art Association, May 27 - Jun 3.

    You may read the article in the Martha's Vineyard newspaper here:

    Also visit Judy's website:

    Colors for Ukraine,” a benefit exhibit at Old Sculpin Gallery, May 27 to June 3. 58 Dock St., Edgartown. 508-627-4881,

    Sunflowers are currently in bloom at the Old Sculpin Gallery in Edgartown. Decorating the walls of the historic gallery, operated by the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association (MVAA), are dozens of images of the brilliant, bright yellow flowers whose image has come to represent support for the Ukrainian people. 

    The sunflower is not only the national flower of Ukraine, it has also come to be used as a symbol of peace. (In June 1996, ministers from the U.S., Russia, and Ukraine marked Ukraine’s nuclear weapon disarmament by planting sunflowers at the Pervomaysk missile base.)

    As a show of support for the people of Ukraine, the MVAA chose to kick off its summer season with a fundraising show titled “Colors for Ukraine,” featuring work by 20-plus of the gallery’s members who, in keeping with the theme of the show, are offering work focusing either on sunflowers and/or the colors of the Ukrainian flag. 

    The artists will donate a minimum of 20 percent of their proceeds to an organization called World Central Kitchen, which has since the beginning of the war provided 25 million meals to the people of Ukraine. Their motto is “Food is a universal right.”

    While many of the artists chose to represent sunflowers in their contributions to the show, others have used the color theme in a variety of creative ways. Theresa Yuan’s oil painting, “Stone Walls,” features a striated blue sky above the painting’s focal point, with a field of yellow daffodils below. Judith Howells, who came up with the idea and curated the show, chose another symbol of peace — a white dove — for her contribution. Standing in front of a golden orb against a vivid blue background — the image both represents an ideal and pays homage to the colors of Mother Nature to be found in the sky and sun. 

    Brian Kirkpatrick found a clever way to honor the theme and the cause. His painting “President Zelensky” shows the Ukraine leader sitting in a yellow chair in a blue room holding a white rabbit on his lap. The large painting, done in Kirkpatrick’s signature colorful whimsical style, provides a bold graphic art–influenced image. 

    The show includes photography and ceramics as well as paintings. Incorporated in 1954, the nonprofit MVAA is the Island’s oldest art organization. Its mission is “to increase facilities of art education, create interest in the arts, make an art center for the whole Island, establish a permanent collection, and preserve an old landmark.” Housed in a former boatbuilder’s shed, the gallery has been providing a space for exhibitions and workshops for almost 70 years. The MVAA also fosters art education, and provides scholarships for local high school students. 

    Howells (who is also the membership chairman) notes that the member artists responded enthusiastically to her call for participants. “It’s really about the members showing support, using art as a way to show a sense of support to people who are enduring a sudden displacement. We want our artwork to send a powerful message of hope and support to those suffering in this humanitarian crisis.”

  • 06 May 2022 9:32 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)


    Joe Anna Arnett and how to prepare for visiting and painting in Santa Fe.

    “There’s so much here,” Joe Anna said. “We’re in this very unusual high desert, which people first think sounds desolate without that much going on, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The colors are so rich. I know if people haven’t been to northern New Mexico, they’re going to be surprised.”

    See much more  here about the NM landscape:

    But in particular scroll down to read these important tips for out-of-state folks:

    "Joe Anna reminds us to be physically prepared for plein air in New Mexico as well. “Please bring a big hat,” she said. “You’ve got to shade your eyes. You’ll notice that the local artists are the ones with the really big hats. You want to shade your eyes, but the light can bounce. You also want to be prepared with sunscreen. I also wear long sleeves to protect my arms and hands from the sun. So when you go out on location, you have your big hat, you have your sunscreen, and you have to have water, because it is a desert and it is dry.”

    Speaking of water, we advise everyone to start drinking extra water several days before you begin your travels to New Mexico, partly because of the change in altitude most of us will experience. For example, I’m coming from the forest-rich, rolling hills of Kentucky, with an elevation of only 530 feet. (You can simply Google your state and the word “altitude” if you’re curious about the difference for you.)

    When it comes to arriving at PACE, Joe Anna reminds us that our water intake should continue. “You want to hydrate the whole time — before and during,” she said. “You may not be thirsty, but I kind of take water all the time. The high altitude can surprise you. If you’re hydrating, not gulping water but just sipping it continuously, you will probably avoid any kind of headache.”

    It will be helpful to know what clothes to pack as well. “The key out here in springtime is to layer,” Joe Anna said. “I have gone out to paint on a cool spring morning and had to stop and shake the snow off because a little snow squall came up, and then roll up my sleeves because the sun came back out, and then it was back to light cold drizzle. I wear a shirt with pockets — artists have to have pockets. I also wear a sweater, and over that I may even have a light down jacket that I can roll up tightly in my backpack.”

  • 30 Mar 2022 3:51 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Our very own Master Signature PAPNM Member has her painting on the cover of Plein Air Magazine this month AND on the cover of the 2022 PACE Guide! Congratulations, Joe Anna!!

    From Joe Anna:

    "  I just opened the May issue of Plein Air Magazine. To my delight and honor, the editor used one of my New Mexico paintings on the cover of the 2022 Plein Air Convention and Expo Guide. I'll be going and serving as a Field Instructor, helping artists during our outdoor painting excursions. If you would like to check out the convention, go to . I would love to see you there and paint together. "

  • 29 Mar 2022 4:04 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    OPA published an article by Michele on how she uses Dynamic Symmetry. Congratulations. This article has generated a lot of excitement: 

    Full article: Dynamic Symmetry in Paintings

    First few paragraphs:

    DYNAMIC SYMMETRY – And how I incorporate it into my plein air and studio and practice

    Michele Byrne · Mar 14, 2022 · 22 Comments

    We’ve all heard of the Golden Section, Dynamic Symmetry, the rule of thirds and harmonic armatures. And we’ve always been told to do a value study before we start a painting. However, in our rush to get started painting, many of us disregard it all and jump right in to putting brush to canvas.

    Six years ago, I made a pledge to NEVER skip a value study before plein air painting. Soon after, I learned how to design my pieces with a “thrust map” as well. This is a simple 2” study done on a 4”x6” index card with pencil or markers. I indicate the Dominant Vertical (DV), Dominant Horizontal (DH) and Dominant Diagonal (DD). Ideally where all of these lines meet will be my focal point.

  • 15 Mar 2022 6:47 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    PAPNM Master artist, Joe Anna Arnett, did a demo on Art School Live in 2020. You may watch the replay here

  • 22 Nov 2021 9:00 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    It's always good to see how members transitioned from their previous life to plein air painting.  Jack was recently given a Hall of Fame inductee spotlight in the magazine of the Association of Energy Engineers. Please read the attached: pages 17 - 19.

    The article includes: 

    You’re retired, but are you still working? After four decades, I still love the work. So I find time to serve on two Corporate Boards of energy companies. But now I can spend more time on an old passion – Plein Air oil painting. My path to this moment is atypical for either a CEM or a Plein Air Painter. My profound appreciation for our planet gave me the conviction for professional success and now drives my passion for painting.


    Has your lifelong career impacted your creativity in retirement? The passion for preserving resources, and the environment, is not something you turn off. Beginning painting again helps me continue to put a spotlight on that passion. My goal is to create images that reflect the beauty of our environment, my love of mountain landscapes, and hopefully tug at the viewer’s heartstrings just a little bit. I hope my paintings motivate viewers to value and question the environment and energy consumption behavior. If that is the case, I may continue to positively impact the planet in a small way, just as I did as an AEE member.

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