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Member WorkshopS

Member-sponsored special  New Mexico workshops - or within driving distance. 

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  • 19 Nov 2022 10:04 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Online Painting Demonstration of Paris Cafe

    Dates & Price

    11/19/2022 - 11/19/2022


    Michele Byrne Studio

    Contact Info

    Michele Byrne

    More Details


    Learn to paint this PARIS CAFE

    November 19, 2022

    10 am - 1 pm (Mountain Time) - 3 hours ($125)

    Includes one critique of your work

    Step-by-step painting demonstration will help your paintings come to life. Learn to add energy and movement to your composition while telling a narrative. 

    Learn to design a painting full of life and drama that tells a story.

    Also learn how to loosen up and create dynamic impressionistic paintings with a knife and brush.

    I will guide you in the process from start to finish, covering design, perspective and composition along the way.

    It will be recorded for you to watch and paint along later on YouTube.

    Demonstration will include:

    • Dynamic Symmetry and how it is used in my work
    • Demonstrate how I create my Value Study/Thrust Map and explain how it helps me create my composition
    • Demonstrate how to draw the grid onto my canvas
    • Underpainting demo
    • I have recorded the whole process of my palette knife/brush work from start to finish, including paint mixing.
    • I'll also cover how I project the grid onto my photos using Photoshop/and/or Photoshop Elements.
    • Q&A time

  • 18 Nov 2022 12:30 PM | Stephanie West

    Hand-painted Cards You Can Mail or Frame
    Friday November 18th, 2022 | 12:30pm-4:30pm | $60 + tax
    at Artisan Santa Fe

    Learn how to paint your own New Mexico-themed watercolor cards you can frame or send in the mail for the holidays. Artists Wendy Ahlm and Stephanie West will teach you how to paint a variety of enchanting designs. From simple graphics to optional advanced designs, you’ll paint a minimum of five cards. Use the tools & inspiration learned in class to share your holiday spirit. This is a great class for friends or family to attend together. Watercolors will be supplied in this class. However, please feel free to bring your favorite paints and brushes. You will try a variety of brands and colors during class.

    Materials to bring or purchase with 10% discount day of class:

    • Fineline Masking Fluid Pen & Masking Fluid
    • Strathmore Watercolor Postcards 4 x 6″ (comes in a booklet of 15 cards)
    • 3B or 4B Pencil
    • Gum Eraser
    • 1 roll of Artists tape 1/2″ wide
    • 1 round brush, size 8 or 6. Recommended: Princeton Velvet Touch size 8 or size 6 (Find them in the oil paint brush section at Artisan)
    • 1 flat brush – Recommended 3/4″ Princeton Velvet Touch
    • Optional: Krystal Clear bags with a seal for 4 x 6″ cards (One package comes with 25 bags, students are welcome to purchase and share with each other.)

    Artist Bios:

    Stephanie West and Wendy Ahlm belong to the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico. Both are in leadership roles in the non-profit group to connect and help people who are passionate about painting and being in nature. They each paint in watercolor, pastel, and oils and are experienced teachers.

Stephanie West’s artwork at
    Wendy Ahlm’s artwork at


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  3. Note that workshops might be deleted from this news' blog after completion.
  4. Ongoing workshops will not be posted.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

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PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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