Dates & Price
11/19/2022 - 11/19/2022
Michele Byrne Studio
Contact Info
Michele Byrne
More Details
Learn to paint this PARIS CAFE
November 19, 2022
10 am - 1 pm (Mountain Time) - 3 hours ($125)
Includes one critique of your work
Step-by-step painting demonstration will help your paintings come to life. Learn to add energy and movement to your composition while telling a narrative.
Learn to design a painting full of life and drama that tells a story.
Also learn how to loosen up and create dynamic impressionistic paintings with a knife and brush.
I will guide you in the process from start to finish, covering design, perspective and composition along the way.
It will be recorded for you to watch and paint along later on YouTube.
Demonstration will include:
- Dynamic Symmetry and how it is used in my work
- Demonstrate how I create my Value Study/Thrust Map and explain how it helps me create my composition
- Demonstrate how to draw the grid onto my canvas
- Underpainting demo
- I have recorded the whole process of my palette knife/brush work from start to finish, including paint mixing.
- I'll also cover how I project the grid onto my photos using Photoshop/and/or Photoshop Elements.
- Q&A time