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2024 Summer President's Message

20 Jun 2024 1:22 PM | Karen Halbert (Administrator)

President's Message to Members:

Congratulations to All "Paint New Mexico!" Artists at Weems Gallery!

Congratulations to the Award Winners!

A big thank you to our Judge of Awards, Paul Murray, and our jury members: Damien Gonzales, Clive Tyler, and Richard Prather. I also extend my gratitude to Gwen Ethelbah, Katherine Gauntt, and all our volunteers. The opening was lots of fun, and it was wonderful to meet you all and see your work. The final day of the show is Sunday, June 23.

Many of you shared during the reception how challenging it is to paint plein air for a show. This challenge is felt by every artist, even the most accomplished among us, including Sherri McGraw. I had the privilege of painting alongside her one day by a creek. The light was lovely, dappling through the trees and sparkling on the creek. It was an idyllic scene, but it was also hot, and there were biting bugs everywhere! The scene changed constantly as clouds passed overhead, altering the light and shadow patterns—just a typical day of plein air painting. Suddenly, Sherri exclaimed, “This is hard! You have no control out here! I am a pampered studio painter and I think I will stay that way!” She was laughing, but her words comfort me whenever I struggle to realize my vision outdoors. Kudos to you all for your perseverance!

Upcoming Events

Our next event is the Los Alamos Plein Air, judged by Peggy Immel, who is also conducting a workshop. Please visit our website, 2024 Los Alamos Workshop with Peggy Immel SIGN UP for all the current information.

The jurying is complete for our National Show at Legends of the West Fine Art Gallery. Acceptance letters have been sent out to the artists. Kathleen Hudson, our Judge of Awards, will also be conducting a workshop on painting water. There are still spots available in the workshop. Check our website for the latest updates: 3 Day Workshop by Kathleen Hudson, PAPNM Nat'l Show Judge

Phyllis Gunderson will lead our last 3x3 Event Seminar Training on Zoom on July 6 at 10 a.m. I invited Phyllis to share her vast expertise in planning and executing events and exhibitions with PAPNM. She has generously prepared a complete online course. This valuable resource will guide us in the years to come. Thank you, Phyllis! You can register to attend this event on the PAPNM website, too: 3x3 Event Seminars: July 6 10 am Seminar #3

Please register to volunteer on our website for upcoming events at the Volunteer page.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Deb Fowler for scheduling our Paint Alongs and Paint Outs. The Paint Alongs have been a great success, achieving everything I hoped for: creating a closer community, providing educational opportunities, and offering fun. Sign up to join us on the website: Paint Outs!

Thank you, Chris for the marvelous Summer newsletter!

Best regards,

Barbara Coleman, President, PAPNM

Mail information to:  
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

Mail Payments to: 

PAPNM Treasurer
PO Box 4612
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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