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Member WorkshopS

Member-sponsored special  New Mexico workshops - or within driving distance. 

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  • 16 Aug 2022 3:57 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Artist Ateliers

    Carla Forrest Fine Art Studio & Gallery
    404 C-5 San Felipe NW, Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
    Contact: Carla Forrest,, 505-410-2444

    The artist ateliers for adults take a collaborative approach in discovering and experimenting with creative principles and techniques as well as business practices and marketing approaches. Attendees are responsible for bringing their own artist materials, note taking supplies, and refreshments. The monthly sessions are held on the third Thursday of the month from 2 to 4 pm and are limited to four attendees. Advance registration of $49 per session is required. Aatelier details and suggested supplies will be sent after registration.

    September 15 ~ How Do I Know It’s Done?

    Have you asked yourself lately, “What am I going to do with all these unfinished paintings?” Are they just piling up in your studio and collecting dust? Do you want to turn them into masterpieces? Learn the magic approach to unlock the potential of your mastery and turn that unfinished work in to a treasure. During this atelier, you will bring in a few unfinished paintings and learn the approach for finishing them with confidence.

    Registration $49:

    I am most appreciative of being introduced to a step by step process for oil painting and for evaluating the "finished quality" of my work. Thank you for giving me two concrete challenges to my methodology that I can implement for improving myself! ~JB, former student



    October 20 ~The Business of Art Basics

    Dialogue on pricing, inventory, selling, shows, commissions, and marketing. Registration starts September 16.

    November 17 ~ Solvent-Free Oil Painting

    Dialogue on water-mixable oil painting materials, mediums, tools, and application techniques. Registration starts October 21.

    December 15 ~ Vanishing and Framing

    Demonstration and dialogue and on types of vanishes, frames, and process for finishing and framing oil paintings done on panels. Registration starts November 18.

  • 15 Aug 2022 9:00 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)


    Workshop Dates: Monday, August 15 – Friday, August 19, 2022 
    Location: Bluebird Studios, Santa Fe, NM
    Fee: $795.00

    To Register


    Email: or

    Phone: Beth Cooper 720-933-4022

    Maximum Number of Participants: 12 advanced beginner to advanced


    Plein air painting is often used to gather resource material that can later be used in the development of a studio painting. The goal of this workshop will be to explore this process. We will spend the first two days of this workshop outside, painting, sketching, and photographing possible subjects. The last three days will be spent primarily in the studio examining ideas and creating a studio painting with the information we gathered during the first two days. There will be demonstrations in oil each day and Power Point presentations to clarify the concepts we will be covering. Each participant will receive ample and supportive individual coaching and critique. Handouts will include a course schedule and written material about the topics covered. The workshop will be taught in oil but artists who are skilled in their medium other than oil would be welcome.

     How to Sign Up: 
    For more information and to register for the workshop contact Beth Cooper, Bluebird Studios at (720)933-4022 or email or


  • 12 Aug 2022 9:04 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Dates & Price

    8/12/2022 - 8/15/2022 (4 days)


    Michele Byrne Home/Studio
    Silva Street
    Santa Fe,


    This workshop will be held at my home/studio as well as a few plein air destinations to be determined/weather permitting.

    Mornings will consist of Painting/Design Demonstrations and afternoons will be student painting time with help at the easel.

    I'll be covering various subject matter, including landscape, town scenes and a cafe perhaps!

    Class is limited to 10 students.

    I will be teaching with Cobra Solvent Free Oils. You are free to use traditional oils. If you are flying and need Gamsol please let me know and I can arrange that.

    No other solvents are allowed.

  • 01 Aug 2022 9:50 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Mastering the Painting Process

    Aug 1-5 2022

    Cloudcroft Art Workshops

    For pastel, oil and acrylic mediums

    Click here for description

  • 08 Jul 2022 1:00 PM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Bugs & Wings Watercolor Workshop

Tour the fundamentals of painting the small creatures at the Artisan Santa Fe

    Friday July 8th, 2022 | 1:00PM to 4:00PM

    Instructors: Stephanie West and Wendy Ahlm Bonus:  Ollie Greer will be available to share special information about his bugs during the workshop. Preview Ollie and his bugs: 

    Students will:

    1.  Experience wet-on-wet watercolor painting

    2.  Learn how to paint with gouache

    3.  Learn how to paint transparent wings

    4.  Learn how to make and use masking

    5.  Draw with fine point marker


    To register click here.

  • 28 Jun 2022 9:30 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)



    PLEIN AIR | 3 DAY ON LOCATION WORKSHOP on June 28th, 29th & 30th from | 9:30AM-3:30PM | for $275.00 + Tax

    Each day everyone will meet at the Artisan in Santa Fe: 2601 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505.

    12:30pm-1:30pm lunch break (or whenever is convenient while out on location.)

    This class is open to students working in all media and all levels are welcome.

    Anita Louise West will be doing on location demonstrations in watercolor/water media, acrylic paint and oil paint.

    To register click here.

  • 08 Jun 2022 8:56 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    A great substitute for a workshop: learn all about Kevin's magic grid technique, taught at the PACE pre-convention in his video with an excerpt here:

    Magic Grid Excerpt

    KLH: I loved the video.

  • 06 Jun 2022 10:00 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)

    Morning Reprize

    MONDAY JUNE 6 THROUGH THURSDAY JUNE 9, 2022, 10 AM TO 4 PM North Fourth Art Center, 4904 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107


    This four-day intensive workshop is designed to rapidly elevate your creative motivation, experience, and skills. The instructional focus is on the materials, tools, and mark-making/application techniques to move your “palette knife” oil paintings to the next level. Morning lectures and demonstrations with hand-out materials will be followed by immersive practice with individual attention to encourage your artistic growth and to strengthen your unique artistic voice. Finishing, framing, art business basics, and a discovery forum will be covered on day four.

    The setting for the workshop will be in a spacious, traditional art classroom with worktables, chairs, whiteboard, and projection system. Plentiful parking is available in the lot in front of the art center, which is also ADA compliant. Participants are responsible for bringing their own artist materials, easels, and refreshments. A detailed supply list and daily agenda will be provided upon registration. All participants must comply with all New Mexico Department of Health and facility guidelines for safe and responsible gathering. More info is available at 19-traveler-information/.

    INSTRUCTOR: CARLA FORREST,, (505) 410-2444

    Award-winning contemporary artist Carla Forrest paints the New West in her spectral luminescent works, inspired by direct observation of nature and life. Honored as a Local Treasure by the Albuquerque Arts Business Association, Carla obtained her Bachelor of Arts in studio art from State University of New York, Master of Science in Teaching Visual Arts from Rochester Institute of Technology, and Doctorate in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies from the University of New Mexico. "I approach painting as an observer of the soul, enlightening the viewer about the presence, wonder, and dignity of nature and life. I want the viewer to value place and person in a space of spirit and heart and bring this illumination into their personal environments."

    $325 Advance Online Registration is now open through May 30th.

    Register at
    $395 Late Registration will be charged from May 31st through June 6th.

    Late and wait list registrations, if available, may be arranged by calling or texting Carla Forrest at (505) 410-2444. A $25 cancellation fee will be charged for all refunds requested up to June 5th. After that time, no refunds will be given.

    Contact Carla Forrest at (505) 410-2444 or for questions or alternate registration.

    To print: Carla_Forrest-Master_Class_Impasto_Oil_Painting-2022.pdf

  • 18 May 2022 9:00 AM | Admin PAPNM (Administrator)



    4 Wednesdays, May 18, 25 & June 1, 8 2022 from | 9:15AM to 12:15PM | for $160 + tax.

    Build your confidence and move onto the next level with your paintings in this studio painting class with Anita Louise West occurring over four Wednesday’s. By working with Ms. West, a lifetime of painting experience is available to you to help you advance your paintings on three major levels: Content, design and techniques.  Each class will have a short demo and individual help at the easel. We will explore how to paint in pastel, water media and oil as well as materials old and new.

    During each class, you will learn how to maximize your use of the elements of art: shape, value, line, texture, and color. Each of these will be explained as well as demonstrated at every class session. Using the principles of design to increase your painting’s impact will be explained and so much more.

    To register click here.

Posting Instructions

Members: You may request a posting by sending an email to

  1. Place PAPNM MEMBER Workshops  in the subject line.
  2. Include text for the post and/or attach a file and images.
  3. Note that workshops might be deleted from this news' blog after completion.
  4. Ongoing workshops will not be posted.

Mail information to:
P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM 

Mail Payments to: 
PAPNM Treasurer
P.O. Box 1948
Santa Fe, NM 87504 

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